Senior Curator, Algae Herbarium
Lead of project: German Barcode of Life Project Phase 2 (GBOL2) – Innovative, NGS-based tool to assess Water Framework Directive relevant diatoms
Lead of project: Building a Global Registration and Index System for Scientific Names and Types of Algae
- Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Morphology, and Biogeography of Diatoms
- Changes in the Biodiversity of Freshwater Diatoms
- Diatoms as Bioindicators
- History of Diatom Research
- Nomenclature of Algae
Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
weitere Aktivitäten
Organizing Acivities:
- 2018 – 25th International Diatom Symposium; Co-Organizer
- 2015 - 32nd IUBS-General Assembly and Conference; Congress Chair
- 2011 - Biosystematics 2011, International Congress of Systematics and Evolutionary Biology; Congress President
- 2007 - First Central European Diatom Meeting, Organizer
- 1992 - 6. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen, Co-Organizer
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
- Jahn R., Mora D., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Skibbe O. 2025: Integrative taxonomic study of Cocconeis witkowskii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from tidal flats of the North Sea (Wadden Sea) based on unialgal strains. – Nova Hedwigia: [1-25] https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2025/0981
- Mohamad H., Jahn R., Al-Handal A., Al-Shaheen M., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J., Abarca N. 2025: Prestauroneis furatensis sp. nov., a new diatom species from the River Euphrates, Iraq. - Fottea 25(1): 61-67 https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2024.008
- Kusber W.-H., Rolfing J.B., Abarca N. & Jahn R. 2024: Why Surirella amphioxys is not an Iconella (Bacillariophyceae). - Phytotaxa 644(4): 297-300. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.644.4.6
- Mohamad H., Schimani K., Al-Shaheen M., Abarca N., Jahn R., Al-Handal A., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2024: Comparison of the biodiversity of epiphytic diatoms in the Euphrates-Tigris rivers using morphological and metabarcoding analyses. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 8: e135082. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.8.135082
- Mora D., Stancheva R., Abarca N., Bouchez A., Cantoral-Uriza E., Carmona-Jiménez J., Chonova T., Kusber W.-H., Rimet F., Skibbe O., Wetzel C.E., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2024: Adding more taxa to the Cocconeis placentula group (Bacillariophyta): two new species from streams in biodiversity hotspots. - Nova Hedwigia 118(3-4): 277-319. https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2024/0918
- Abarca N., Stancheva R., Skibbe O., Schimani K., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2023: Gomphadelpha (Bacillariophyceae) – a new genus name for taxa formerly subsumed in the Gomphoneis herculeana-group. - Nova Hedwigia 117(1-4): 213-254. https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2023/0859
- Schimani K., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Mohamad H., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Campana G.L. & Zimmermann J. 2023: Exploring benthic diatom diversity in the West Antarctic Peninsula: insights from a morphological and molecular approach. - Metabarcoding and Metgenomics 7: e110194 pp.339-384. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.7.110194
- Schimani K., Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Skibbe O., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Leya T. & Mora D. 2023: Molecular phylogenetics coupled with morphological analyses of Arctic and Antarctic strains place Chamaepinnularia (Bacillariophyta) within the Sellaphoraceae. - Fottea 24(1): 1-22. https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2023.002
- Duwe V.K., Vu L.V., von Rintelen T., Raab-Straube E.v., Schmidt S., Nguyen S.V., Vu T.D., Do T.V., Luu T.H., Truong V.B., Di Vincenzo V., Schmidt O., Glöckler F., Jahn R., Lücking R., von Oheimb K.C.M., von Oheimb P.V., Heinze S., Abarca N., Bollendorff S., Borsch T., Buenaventura E., Dang H.T.T., Dinh T.D., Do H.T., Ehlers S., Freyhof J., Hayden S., Hein P., Hoang T.A., Hoang D.M., Hoang S.N., Kürschner H., Kusber W.-H., Le H.N., Le T.Q., Linde M., Mey W., Nguyen H.D., Nguyen M.T., Nguyen M.T., Nguyen D.V., Nguyen T.V., Nguyen V.D.H., Nguyen D.Q., Ohl M., Parolly G., Pham T.N., Pham P.V., Rabe K., Schurian B., Skibbe O., Sulikowska-Drozd A., To Q.V., Truong T.Q., Zimmermann J., Häuser C.L. 2022: Contributions to the biodiversity of Vietnam – Results of VIETBIO inventory work and field training in Cuc Phuong National Park .Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e77025 https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.10e77025(Link ist extern)
- Mohamad H., Mora D., Skibbe O., Abarca N., Deutschmeyer V., Enke N., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2022: Morphological variability and genetic marker stability of 16 monoclonal pennate diatom strains under medium-term culture. - Diatom Research (Published online 02 Dec 2022; 22 pp.) https://doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2022.2141346
- Bilous O.P., Genkal S.I., Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2021: Centric diatom diversity in the lower part of the Southern Bug river (Ukraine): the transitional zone at Mykolaiv city. - PhytoKeys 178: 31-69. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.178.64426
- Jahn R., Abarca N., Al-Handal A., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Skibbe O. 2021: Integrative taxonomic description of the marine species Cocconeis crawfordii (Bacillariophyceae) based on unialgal strains. - Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 151: 85-105.
- Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2021: Christian Gottfried Ehrenbergs Zeichnungen: Eine frühe wissenschaftliche Dokumentation mikroskopischer Organismen. - HIN Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien 22(42): 105-117. http://dx.doi.org/10.18443/317
- Maltsev Y., Maltseva S., Kociolek J.P., Jahn R. & Kulikovskij M. 2021: Biogeography of the cosmopolitan terrestrial diatom Hantzschia amphioxys sensu lato based on molecular and morphological data. - Scientific Reports (2021) 11:4266. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82092-9
- Mora, D., Stancheva, R. & Jahn, R. 2021: Cocconeis czarneckii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta): a new diatom species from Lake Okoboji (Iowa, USA), based on the strain UTEX FD23. – Phycologia: [1-15].
- Ognjanova-Rumenova N., Bucczkó K., Pipik R. & Jahn R. 2021: Aulacoseira scala (Ehrenberg) comb. nov. – typification, morphology and biostratigraphic significance. - Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 151: 27-41.
- Rimet F., Aylagas E., Borja A., Bouchez A., Canino A., Chauvin C., Chonova T., Ciampor Jr F., Costa F.O., Ferrari B.J.D., Gastineau R., Goulon C., Gugger M., Holzmann M., Jahn R., Kahlert M., Kusber W.-H., Laplace-Treyture C., Leese F., Leliaert F., Mann D.G., Marchand F., Méléder V., Pawlowski J., Rasconi S., Rivera S., Rougerie R., Schweizer M., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Vivien R., Weigand A., Witkowski A., Zimmermann J. & Ekrem T. 2021: Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: e58056. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.5.58056
- Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2021: Biodiversität und Sauerstoffproduktion in einer Glasschachtel. Kieselalgen – winzig, aber wichtig. - Biologie unserer Zeit 2/2021 (51): 132-141. https://doi.org/10.11576/biuz-4248
- Jahn R., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J. & Mora D. 2020: Integrative taxonomic description of two new species of the Cocconeis placentula group (Bacillariophyceae) from Korea based on unialgal strains. – Algae 35(4): 303-324. https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.8
- Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H., Mora D., Van A. T., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2020: Defining the core group of the genus Gomphonema Ehrenberg with molecular and morphological methods. - Botany Letters https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2019.1694980
- Salinas V.H., Mora D., Jahn R. & Abarca N. 2020: New species of Pseudostaurosira (Bacillariophyceae) including a tripolar taxon from mountain streams of Central Mexico. Phytotaxa 464(3): 193-206. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.464.3.1
- Kusber W.-H., Cocquyt, C. & Jahn R. 2020: Assessment of names in the genera Iconella, Surirella and Suriraya (Bacillariophyceae). – Notulare Algarum 156: 1-4.
- Al-Handal A.Y., Wulff A., Riaux-Gobin C, Jahn R. 2019: Two new marine species of Cocconeis (Bacillariophyceae) from the west coast of Sweden. – European Journal of Taxonomy 497: 1-16.
- Al-Handal A.Y., Zimmermann J., Jahn R., Anders T. & Wulff A. 2019: Nitzschia biundulata sp. nov. a new sea ice diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Nova Hedwigia 108(3-4): 281-290. https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0519
- Bilous O, Genkal S.I., Jahn R., Zimmermann J. 2019: Rare species of centric diatom algae (Bacillariophyta, Centrophyceae) from Ukraine. – International Journal on Algae 21: 67-74.
- Elbrächter M., Gottschling M., Hoppenrath M., Jahn R., Montresor M., Tillmann U. & Kusber W.-H. 2019: (2686) Proposal to conserve the name Alexandrium against Blepharocysta. (Dinophyceae). Taxon 68(3): 589-590.
- Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Van A.T., Buczkó K. & Abarca N. 2019: Gomphonella olivacea (Bacillariophyceae) – a new phylogenetic position for a well-known taxon, its typification, new species and combinations. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152(2): 219-247. https://doi.org/10.5091/plecevo.2019.1603
- Hamilton P.B., Stachura-Suchoples K., Kusber W.-H., Bouchard A. & Jahn R. 2019: Typification of the puzzling diatom species Neidium iridis (Neidiaceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution 152(2): 392-401. https://doi.org/10.5091/plecevo.2019.1601
- Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Mohamad H., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. & Jahn R. 2019. Registration of Algal Novelties in Phycobank: Serving the scientific community and filling gaps in the global names backbone.Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37285. https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.3.37285
- Mora D., Abarca N., Proft S., Grau J.H., Enke N., Carmona J., Skibbe O., Jahn R. & Zimmermann J. 2019 : Morphology and metabarcoding: a test with stream diatoms from Mexico highlights the complementarity of identification methods. – Freshwater Science 38: 448-464. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/704827
Al-Handal A.Y., Thomas E.W., Torstensson A., Jahn R. & Wulff A. (2018) Gomphonemopsis ligowskii, a new diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from the marine Antarctic and a comparison to other Gomphonemopsis. Diatom Research, DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2018.1428916.
Cocquyt C., Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2018: Epithemia hirudiniformis and related taxa within the subgenus Rhopalodiella subg. nov. in comparison to Epithemia subg. Rhopalodia stat nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from East Africa. Cryptogamie Algologie 39: 35-62.
Rimet F., Abarca N., Bouchez A., Kusber W-H., Jahn R., Kahlert M., Keck F., Kelly M., Mann D.G., Piuz A., Trobajo R., Tapolczai K., Vasselon V. & Zimmermann J. 2018: The potential of high throughput sequencing (HTS) of natural samples as a source of primary taxonomic information for reference libraries of diatom barcodes. Fottea, 18 (1). In press. Doi 10.5507/fot.2017.013.
Jahn R., Abarca N., Gemeinholzer B., Mora D., Skibbe O., Kulikovskiy M., Gusev E., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2017: Planothidium lanceolatum and Planothidium frequentissimum reinvestigated with molecular methods and morphology: four new species and the taxonomic importance of the sinus and cavum. - Diatom Research, 32(1): 75-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2017.1312548
Mora D., Carmona J., Jahn R., Zimmermann J., Abarca N. 2017: Epilithic diatom communities of selected streams from the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Central Mexico, with the description of two new species. PhytoKeys 88: 39-69. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.88.14612
Marić Pfannkuchen D., Godrijan J., Smodlaka Tanković M., Baričević A., Kužat N., Djakovac T., Pustijanac E., Jahn R. & Pfannkuchen M. 2017: The Ecology of One Cosmopolitan, One Newly Introduced and One Occasionally Advected Species from the Genus Skeletonema in a Highly Structured Ecosystem,the Northern Adriatic. Microb Ecol. DOI 10.1007/s00248-017-1069-9.
Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Cocquyt C.2017: Differentiating Iconella from Surirella (Bacillariophyceae): typifying four Ehrenberg names and a preliminary checklist of the African taxa. - PhytoKeys 82: 73-112.https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.82.13542
Kusber W.-H., Jahn R. & Korsch H. 2017: Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Armleuchteralgen (Characeae) von Berlin. - In: Der Landesbeauftragte für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege / Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz (Hrsg.): Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere von Berlin, 22 S. doi: 10.14279/depositonce-5843
Rudolph K., Jahn R. & Kusber W.-H. 2017: Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der limnischen Rotalgen (Rhodophyta) und Braunalgen (Phaeophyceae) von Berlin. - In: Der Landesbeauftragte für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege / Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz (Hrsg.): Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere von Berlin, 16 S. doi: 10.14279/depositonce-5842
- Barkworth M. E., Watson M., Barrie F. R., Belyaeva I. V., Chung R. C. K., Dašková J., Davidse G., Dönmez A. A., Doweld A. B., Dressler S., Flann C., Gandhi K., Geltman D., Glen H. F., Greuter W., Head M. J., Jahn R., Janarthanam M. K., Katinas L., Kirk P. M., Klazenga N., Kusber W.-H., Kvaček J., Malécot V., Mann D. G., Marhold K., Nagamasu H., Nicolson N., Paton A., Patterson D. J., Price M. J., Prud’homme van Reine W., Schneider C. W., Sennikov A., Smith G. F., Stevens P. F., Yang Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016: (276–279) Proposals to provide for registration of new names and nomenclatural acts. - Taxon 65 (3): 656-658.
- Barkworth M. E., Watson M., Barrie F. R., Belyaeva I. V., Chung R. C. K., Dašková J., Davidse G., Dönmez A. A., Doweld A. B., Dressler S., Flann C., Gandhi K., Geltman D., Glen H. F., Greuter W., Head M. J., Jahn R., Janarthanam M. K., Katinas L., Kirk P. M., Klazenga N., Kusber W.-H., Kvaček J., Malécot V., Mann D. G., Marhold K., Nagamasu H., Nicolson N., Paton A., Patterson D. J., Price M. J., Prud’homme van Reine W., Schneider C. W., Sennikov A., Smith G. F., Stevens P. F., Yang Z.-L., Zhang X.-C. & Zuccarello G. C. 2016: Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils). – Taxon 65 (3): 670–672.
- Jahn R, Abarca N, Gemeinholzer B, Mora D, Skibbe O, Kulikovskiy M, Gusev E, Kusber WH & Zimmermann J (2017) Planothidium lanceolatum and Planothidium frequentissimum reinvestigated with molecular methods and morphology: four new species and the taxonomic importance of the sinus and cavum,Diatom Research, 32:1, 75-107, DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2017.1312548
- Ognjanova-Rumenova N, Buczko K, Wojtal A, Jahn R (2015) Staurosirella rhombus (Ehrenberg), Ognjanova-Rumenova, Buczko, Wojtal, R.Jahn, comb. nov. – Typification, morphology and biostratigraphic significance. Phytotaxa 218 (3): 279-288.
Silva JW, Jahn R, Ludwig TAV, Hinz F, Menezes M (2015) Typification and taxonomic status re-evaluation of 15 taxon names within the species complex Cymbella affinis/tumidula/turgidula (Cymbellaceae, Bacillariophyta). Phytokeys, , doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.53.4782.
- Stachura-Suchoples K, Enke N, Schlie C, Schaub I, Karsten U & Jahn R (2015) Contribution towards a morphological and molecular taxonomic reference library of benthic marine diatoms from two Arctic fjords on Svalbard (Norway). Polar Biology. DOI 10.1007/s00300-015-1683-2.
- Brinkmann N, Hodač L, Mohr K I, Alena Hodačová A, Jahn R, Ramm J, Hallmann C, Arp G & Friedl T (2015): Cyanobacteria and diatoms in biofilms of two karstic streams in Germany and changes of their communities along calcite saturation gradients. Geomicrobiology Journal. DOI:10.1080/01490451.2014.901438.
- CocquytC & Jahn R (2014): A re-investigation of Otto Müller´s Cymatopleura taxa (Bacillariophyta) from East Africa. Plant Ecology & Evolution 147 (3): 412-425.
- Zimmermann J, Glöckner G, Jahn R, Enke N & Gemeinholzer B (2014) Metabarcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom diversity in environmental studies. Molecular Ecology Resources DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12336. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1755-0998.12336/abstract
- Zimmermann J, Abarca N, Enke N, Skibbe O, Kusber WH, Jahn R (2014) Taxonomic Reference Libraries for Environmental Barcoding: a Best Practice Example from Diatom Research. PlosOne DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108793. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0108793
- Kistenich S, Dressler M, Zimmermann J., Hübener, T, Bastrop R, Jahn R (2014) An investigation into the morphology and genetics of Cyclotella comensis and closely related taxa. Diatom Research 29 (4) 423-440.
- Jahn R, Kusber WH & Lange-Bertalot H (2014): Typification and taxonomy of Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow (Bacillariophyta): type of the genus name Hantzschia Grunow. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 143 103-110.
- Abarca N, Jahn R, Zimmermann J & Enke N (2014) Does the cosmopolitan diatom Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing have a biogeography? PlosOne 9(1): e86885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086885.
- Silva WJ, Jahn R, Ludwig TAV & Menezes M (2013) Typification of seven species of Encyonema and characterization of Encyonema leibleinii comb. nov. Fottea 13:119-132.
- Romero OE
Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Bansemer J., Bettig J., Droege G., Kusber W.-H., Luther K., Mohamad H., Mora D., Proft S., Schimani K., Skibbe O., Van A.T. & Jahn R. 2022: German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) — Kieselalgen DNA-Barcoding und eDNA Metabarcoding im Kontext von Biodiversitätsforschung, Taxonomie und EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (2000/60/EC). - Pp. 307-311. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2021 (Leipzig). - Essen.
Journals, not peer reviewed
- Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H., Droege G. & Jahn R. 2016: GBOL2 – Increasing the Accessibility of eDNA Barcoding Data. GGBN Newsletter 5: 7-8.
- Taşkin, E., Jahn, R., Öztürk, M., Furnari, G., Cormaci, M.2012: The mediterranean Cystoseira (with photographs). - Publications of Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey 4. 75 pp. Manisa.
- Burba, M., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2009: Das Universum im Mikroskop - Biodiversität und Ästhetik der Diatomeen - MuseumsJournal 23(2): 82-83.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2009: Imaging diatoms – why, when, and how. - Diatomededelingen - 33 (2009) - S. 62-65.
- Stachura-Suchoples, K., Williams, D. & Jahn, R. 2009: On extinct, freshwater taxa in Thalassiosira with observations on a species of Thalassiosira from Pliocene deposit in Oregon, U.S.A. - Diatomededelingen - 33 (2009) - S. 111-113.
- Ognjanova-Rumenova, N. & Jahn, R. 2009: Reinvestigation of the fossil diatom flora from Jastrabá depostits, Ehrenberg Collection - preliminary results. – Diatomededelingen 33 (2009): 99.
- Jahn, R., Zetzsche, H., Reinhardt, R. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2007: Diatoms and DNA barcoding: a pilot study on an environmental sample. – Pp. 63-68 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin. Full text PDF (124 KB)
- Brinkmann, N., Behnke, A., Bruns, S., Mohr., K, Jahn, R. & Friedl, T. 2007: Assessing the diversity of pennate benthic diatoms in calcifying biofilms of hard water creeks. – Pp. 11-14 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin. text PDF (1154 KB)
- Cocquyt, C., Taylor, J., Kusber, W.-H., Archibald, C., Harding, W. & Jahn, R. 2007: Digitizing African Surirellaceae: a pilot study. – Pp. 25-30 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin. Full text PDF (1058 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2007: AlgaTerra Information System: Types data and data types. – Pp. 97-100 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin. Full text PDF (87 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2007: Johannes Gerloff (1915-2000): A pioneer in using the Transmission Electron Microscope in diatom research, co-founder of Nova Hedwigia and Algae Curator at the BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. – Pp. 101-105 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin. Full text PDF (232 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2007: Harmonisierung von Taxa-Listen für die Umsetzung der EU-WRRL aus Sicht von Taxonomie und Daten-Management. - Pp. 553-557 in N.N. (ed.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2006 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Dresden, 25.-29. September 2006. - Werder.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2006: Siberia under microscope. - Science First Hand 2006 (5): 16-20.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2006: Ergebnisse der BMBF-finanzierten Pilotphase des AlgaTerra Verbundprojektes. – Pp. 164-168 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Jahrestagung 2005 (Karlsruhe). Werder.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2006: BGBM-Diatom-List. Version 1.0 [online]. - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Berlin. [http://www.algaterra.org/bgbm-diatom-list.htm]
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2006: BGBM-Phytoplankton-List. Version 1.0 [online]. - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Berlin. [http://www.algaterra.org/bgbm-phytoplankton-list.htm]
- Kusber, W.-H., Geissler, U. & Jahn, R. 2005: Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Rotalgen (Rhodophyceae), Armleuchteralgen (Charophyceae) und Braunalgen (Phaeophyceae) von Berlin. – 18 pp. in: Landesbeauftragter für Naturschutz und Landespflege & Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung (ed.): Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere von Berlin. CD-ROM, Version 1.2 - 07/2005. Berlin. Full text PDF
- Kusber, W.-H., Glück, K. & Jahn, R. 2005: AlgaTerra Informationssystem für Mikroalgen: Inhalte und Stand der Modellierung. - Pp. 442-446 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Tagungsbericht 2004 (Potsdam), Berlin.
- Geissler, U., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2005: Die Algenflora Berlins: Datenlage und Praxisrelevanz. Pp. 447-451 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Tagungsbericht 2004 (Potsdam), Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Glück, K. & Jahn, R. 2004: AlgaTerra Informationssystem für Mikroalgen: Inhalte und Stand der Modellierung. - P. 394-399 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Jahrestagung 2003 (Köln), Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Glück, K, Geoffroy, M. & Jahn, R. 2003: Typification - an extension of the Berlin Model. - In: Berendsohn, W.G.: MoReTax, Handling Factual Information Linked to Taxonomic Concepts in Biology. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 39: 57-70.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R. & Geissler, U. 2003: Datensammlung für eine Rote Liste und Florenliste der Zieralgen und Diatomeen Berlins. – Pp. 796-800 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.) Tagungsbericht 2002. – Werder.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2003: Annotated list of diatom names by Horst Lange-Bertalot and co-workers. - Version 3.0. [http://www.algaterra.org/Names_Version3_0.pdf] pdf-file, Version 3.0, (23 June 2003) (821 KB).
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2002: Standards für die Artidentifikation in der Limnologischen Forschung. - Pp. 858-863. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Jahrestagung 2001 (Kiel). Tutzing.
- Kusber, W.-H., Huck, V., Treuber, C. & Jahn, R. 2002: Phykologische Bestandsaufnahme am Geo-Tag der Artenvielfalt 7./8. Juni 2002 in Berlin (Fort und Grünanlage Hahneberg in Staaken). text PDF (527 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2002: Annotated list of diatom names by Horst Lange-Bertalot and co-workers. - Version 2.0. [http://www.algaterra.org/Names_Version2_0.pdf] pdf-file, Version 2.0, (2 August 2002) (797 KB).
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2001: Algenvorkommen im nördlichen Grunewald (Berlin) am 3. GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt, 8. - 9. Juni 2001. text PDF (505 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2001: Rote Listen limnischer Algen, Stand der Bearbeitung (Beitrag zur "Fachdiskussion über eine Neuauflage der Roten Liste des Landes Berlin" am 3.5.2001 beim Landesbeauftragten für Naturschutz und Landespflege, Berlin). text PDF (180 KB)
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2000: Algen im Teltowkanal, Berlin-Treptow, am GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt, 2. & 3. Juni 2000. text PDF (70 KB)
- Busse, S., Schulz, C.-J. & Jahn, R. (1998): Salzrückgang in Helbe und Urbach: Veränderungen der ökologischen Verhältnisse. - Gewässergütebericht des Freistaates Thüringen 1998: 41-43.
- Jahn, R. 1995: Ehrenberg´s marked species on five mica. - Iconographia Diatomologica 1:101-107.
- Jahn, R. & Geißler, U. 1993: Zur Bedeutung von Proben-Sammlungen mikroskopischer Organismen anhand von Diatomeen-Beispielen. – Festschr. Prof.W. Krutzsch – Mus. f. Naturk. Berlin: 19-26.
- Jahn, R. 1990: Untersuchungen zur benthischen Diatomeenflora und -vegetation der Spree und angrenzender Kanäle im innerstädtischen Gebiet von Berlin (West). - Dissertation FB Biologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
Other publications
Editorial work
- Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. 2011 (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011 Programme and Abstracts. 434 pp. Berlin. Available from www.biosyst-berlin-2011.de.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. (ed.) 2002+: AlgaTerra Information System [online]. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin. Available from
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.) 2010: Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. 73 pp. - Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.) 2007: Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. Berlin-Dahlem, 23–25 March 2007. 179 pp. – Berlin. [Contents]
- Jahn, R., Kociolek, J.P., Witkowski, A. & Compère, P. 2001 (ed.): Lange-Bertalot-Festschrift: Studies on Diatoms; Gantner, Ruggell, 633 pp. Table of Contents.
- Jahn, R., Meyer, B. & Preisig, H.R. (ed.) 1997: Microalgae: Aspects of diversity and systematics. - Nova Hedwigia 65, 452 pp.
Abstracts and Reports
- Müller A., Güntsch A., Jahn R., Kohlbecker A., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2022: PhycoBank: Repository for algal novelties. - Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6: e90885 doi: 10.3897/biss.6.90885
- Pümpin Ch., Reifarth N., Vrydaghs L., Abarca N., Jahn R., Wuttke M. 2018: Hidden traces in the Royal Tomb of Qaṭna, Syria. Reconstructing funeral activities by means of biogenic opal. - International Workshop on Archaeological Soil Micromorphology Brussels (Belgium). https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.16998.88647
- Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Mora D., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2018: Integrative taxonomy: Defining the core group of the genus Gomphonema with molecular and morphological methods. - P. 22 in Holzinger A. & Schagerl M. (ed.) 2018. Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. In-house publishers, Vienna.
- Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2018: Algal names and taxa – information needed vs. information provided. - P. 53 in Holzinger A. & Schagerl M. (ed.) 2018. Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. In-house publishers, Vienna.
- Mora D., Abarca N., Proft S., Grau J., Enke N., Carmona J., Skibbe O., Jahn R. & Zimmermann J. 2018: Morphology and meta-barcoding! A test with stream diatoms from Mexico high-lights complementarity of identification methods. - P. 66 in Holzinger A. & Schagerl M. (ed.) 2018. Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. In-house publishers, Vienna.
- A. T., Abarca N., Proft S., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2018: Reconsidering the phylogenetic relationships of selected taxa within the Cymbellaceae (Bacillariophyta) with an integrative approach. - P. 90 in Holzinger A. & Schagerl M. (ed.) 2018. Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. In-house publishers, Vienna.
- Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2018: German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) – eDNA metabarcoding of diatoms in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive (EU WFD). - P. 92 in Holzinger A. & Schagerl M. (ed.) 2018. Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. In-house publishers, Vienna.
- Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G., Jahn R. 2017: Registration of names and types of algae by PhycoBank. - In: Bąk M., Dąbek P. & Witkowski A. (ed.): Abstracts of papers to be presented at the 11th International Phycological Congress, Szczecin, Poland 13–19 August 2017. - Phycologia 54 (4) Suppl.: 110.
- Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G., Jahn R. 2017: The public trial run of PhycoBank - Registration of Nomenclatural Acts for Algae. - Pp. 35-36 in N.N. (ed.): Abstract Book II Posters. XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen Conventuon & Exhibition Center July 23-29, 2017, Shenzhen.
- Kusber W.-H., Kohlbecker A., Güntsch A., Berendsohn W.G. & Jahn R. 2017: PhycoBank – Registration of nomenclatural acts for diatomists and diatom research. - P. 40-41 in: Kopalová K., Bishop J. & Van de Vijver B. (ed.): Program & Abstracts, 11th Central European Diatom meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 March 2017. - Charles University, Prague.
- Jahn R., Abarca N., Gemeinholzer B., Mora D., Skibbe O., Kulikovskiy M., Gusev E., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2017: Planothidium - Insights into molecular and morphological features of some known and new species. - P. 32 in: Kopalová K., Bishop J. & Van de Vijver B. (ed.): Program & Abstracts, 11th Central European Diatom meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 March 2017. - Charles University, Prague.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2016: Cyanophyta vs. Cyanobacteria: How to deal with two different sets of nomenclatural rules in taxonomy, biodiversity informatics, and practice. – P. 30 in: Rott, E. (ed.): 20th Cyanophyte / Cyanobacteria Research Symposium 2016. Program & abstracts. Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2016: Indexing and registering scientific diatom names and nomenclatural types. – P. 91 in: Pienitz, R. & Zimmermann, C. (ed.): Program & Abstracts, 24th International Diatom Symposium, Québec, Canada.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2016: Registration of Algae Names: Increasing our Biodiversity Knowledge and Filling Gaps within Names Backbones. - P. 13 in: GGBN 2nd conference June 20-24, 2016. Berlin, Germany. Abstract Book. - Berlin, 2016.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2016: Ein Netzwerk für Phytodiversitätsdaten - Bericht aus der Global Biodiversity Information Facility Deutschland (GBIF-D). - Pulsatilla 11: 21.
- Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. & Jahn, R. 2016: Biodiversity Information for Diatom Research: AnnoSys, BioCASE, GBIF, and name registration. - P. 24 in: 10th Central European Diatom Meeting. 20-23 April 2016 Budapest, Hungary. Abstract & Program Book. Budapest - 2016.
- Jahn, R., Abarca, N., Skibbe, O., Zimmermann, J. & Kusber, W.-H. 2016: Taxonomic diatom reference libraries: Linking morphological and molecular data for environmental barcoding. - P. 33 in: Gilbert, M. & Wilhelm C. (ed.): Program of the 16th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, 6th-9th March 2016, Leipzig.
- Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. & Jahn, R. 2016: Biodiversity information for phycological research: AnnoSys, GBIF, BioCASe, and name registration. - P. 38 in: Gilbert, M. & Wilhelm C. (ed.): Program of the 16th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, 6th-9th March 2016, Leipzig.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2015: Algae: Diverse codes for diverse taxa? P. 55 in: Abarca , N. & Jahn, R. (ed.): IUBS 2015 Frontiers in Unified Biology. Abstracts and Program. Berlin.
- Jahn R, Abarca N, Enke N, Kusber W-H, Skibbe O, Zimmermann J (2015) Linking morphological and molecular data in reference libraries for diatoms – challenges for taxonomy. In: Programm und Abstracts, 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS), 18-21 March 2015, Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander König, Bonn. S. 30.
- Jahn R, Kulikovskiy M, Abarca N, Zimmermann J, Gusev E, Skibbe O, Kusber W-H, Witkowski A, Enke N (2015) A morphological and molecular study on strains from the genera Pinnularia Ehrenberg and Caloneis Cleve. In: Abstracts, 9th Central European Diatom Meeting, 10-13 March 2015, German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. S. 21.
- Abarca N, Enke N, Kusber W-H, Zimmermann J, Jahn R (2015) Reconciling molecular data with morphological taxonomic concepts - keeping up. in: Abstracts, 9th Central European Diatom Meeting, 10-13 March 2015, German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. S. 32.
- Kusber W-H, Jahn R (2015) Access to names and biodiversity data of diatoms. in: Abstracts, 9th Central European Diatom Meeting, 10-13 March 2015, German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. S. 24.
- Mora D, Abarca N, Carmona J, Enke N, Jahn R (2015) Benthic diatoms from streams of the northern and central-eastern portion of the Lerma-Chapala Hydrologic System, Mexico. in: Abstracts, 9th Central European Diatom Meeting, 10-13 March 2015, German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. S. 25.
- Stachura-Suchoples K, Enke N, Schlie C, Schaub I, Karsten U, Jahn R (2015) Morphological and molecular studies on a small Halamphora species from Arctic Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norway. in: Abstracts, 9th Central European Diatom Meeting, 10-13 March 2015, German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven.
- Abarca N, Enke N, Kusber WH, Zimmermann J, Jahn R. (2014) Reconciling morphological taxonomic concepts with molecular data - a case study on serveral clone cultures in N.N. (ed.): The 23rd International Diatom Symposium. Nanjing, China 7-12 September, 2014. Programme and Abstract, 2014, Nanjing, China. S. 48.
- Enke N, Zimmermann J, Abarca N, Kusber WH, Skibbe O, Acs E, Bouchez A, Dvorak P, Kelly M, Mann D, Poulickova A, Rimet F, Sabbe K, Trobajo R, Vyverman W, Jahn R (2014) Standardising Information for Envieronmental DNA barcoding of Diatoms in Taxonomic Reference Libraries - Examples from Berlin Waters in N.N. (ed.): The 23rd International Diatom Symposium. Nanjing, China 7-12 September, 2014. Programme and Abstract, 2014, Nanjing, China. S. 66-67.
- Jahn R, Kulikovski M, Gusef E, Kusber WH, Skibbe O, Abarca N, Enke N (2014) Is the genus Pinnularia Ehrenberg monophyletic? A molecular and morphological study including the genus Caloneis P.T.Cleve in N.N. (ed.): The 23rd International Diatom Symposium. Nanjing, China 7-12 September, 2014. Programme and Abstract, 2014, Nanjing, China. S. 55.
- Zimmermann J, Glöckner G, Jahn R, Enke N, Gemeinholzer B (2014) NGS barcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom composition in environmental studies in N.N. (ed.): The 23rd International Diatom Symposium. Nanjing, China 7-12 September, 2014. Programme and Abstract, 2014, Nanjing, China. S. 65.
- Jahn R, Abarca N, Enke N Kusber W-H, Zimmermann J (2014) DNA Barcoding and reference libraries – Impact on taxonomy. In: 8thCentral European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, April 10 -13, 2014, Abstract Book p. 3; invited talk.
- Abarca, N., Mora, D., Jahn, R. (2014) New freshwater diatoms from Central Mexico. In: 8th Central European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, April 10 -13, 2014, Abstract Book p. 8.
- Kapetanović, T., Hafner D., Jahn R., Jasprica N. (2014) Diatoms in a mire of Blidinje Nature Park (Bosnia and Herzegovina). In: 8thCentral European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, April 10 -13, 2014, Abstract Book p. 30.
- Mora, D., Abarca, N., Cantoral-Uriza, E., Martínez, M., Carmona, J., Jahn, R. (2014) Benthic diatoms from a semi-arid basin in Central Mexico. In: 8th Central European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, April 10 -13, 2014, Abstract Book p. 42.
- Pfannkuchen, M., Godrijan, J., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Kusber, W.-H., Zimmermann, J., Dröge, G., Enke, N., Abarca, N., Jahn, R. (2014) Diatom species from the Northern Adricatic: Life cell cultures, voucher material and DNA-Banks. In: 8th Central European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, April 10 -13, 2014, Program and Abstract Book p. 48.
- Enke, N., Zimmermann, J., Abarca, N., Kusber, W.H., & Jahn, R. (2014) Calibration of new identification tools for diatoms: A case study from Berlin waters . In: 15th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, 23 – 26 February 2014, Stralsund. Program and Abstract Book p. 27.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. GBIF-D Algae & Protists as a framework for German biodiversity data mobilization and capture. In: 15thScientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, 23 – 26 February 2014, Stralsund. Abstract Book p. 49.
- Enke, N.; Abarca, N.; Zimmermann, J.; Skibbe, O.; Jahn, R. (2013) Gomphonema parvulum revisited: A critical assessment of the taxonomic concept. In: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 53.
- Jahn, R. (2013) The International Committee on Bionomenclature: its mandate, achievements and future. in: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 100.
- Gleisberg, Maren; Häuser, Ch. L.; Jahn, R.; Kiessling, W.; Lazarus, D.; Melzer, R.; Overmann, J.; Triebel, D.; Türkay, M.; van den Elzen, R.; Berendsohn, W.G. (2013) Free access to biodiversity data? How to contribute to GBIF – and why. In: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 72-73
- Gleisberg, M.; Häuser, Ch. L.; Jahn, R.; Kiessling, W.; Lazarus, D.; Melzer, R.; Overmann, J.; Triebel, D.; Türkay, M.; van den Elzen, R.; Berendsohn, Walter G. (2013) GBIF-D: The German contribution to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)-Overview and perspectives
- in: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 73-74.
- Kusber, W.-H.; Abarca, N.; Zimmermann, J.; von Mering, S.; Jahn, R. (2013) Open access to protist biodiversity information: from file cards to GBIF. In: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 120-121.
- Pfannkuchen, M.; Godrijan, J.; Marić Pfannkuchen, D.; Dröge, G.; Kusber, W.-H.; Zimmermann, J.; Enke, N.; Abarca, N.; Jahn, R. (2013) Access to the planktonic biodiversity of the northern Adriatic. in: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 164-165.
- Zimmermann, J.; Glöckner, G.; Jahn, R.; Pawlowski, J.; de Vargas, C.; Gemeinholzer, B. (2013)
- Barcoding diatoms with the 18S V4 region: setting an example for protists? In: Kroh, A., Berning, B., Haring, E., Harzhauser, M., Sattmann, H., Walochnik, J., Zimmermann, D. & Zuschin, M. (ed.): BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics! 18-22 February 2013. Abstract volume. Vienna. S. 238-239.
- Jahn R (December 2012): Are the nomenclatural codes fit for the future? A protistologist's view. Extended Abstract Leopoldina.
- Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J., Romero, O. R.2012: A molecular approach to the taxonomy of Cocconeis placentula sensu lato. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 53.
- Kulikovskiy, M.; Lange-Bertalot, H.; Witkowski, A.; Gusev, E.; Zetzsche, Holger; Khursevich G. K. & Jahn, R. 2012: Immiscibility of diatom floras in Lake Baikal: Scientific phenomenon or fantasy? in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 64.
- Kusber, W.-H., Abarca, N., Skibbe, O., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2012: Reference library of DNA-barcoced diatoms - A use case for publishing data via the GBIF database AlgaTerra. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 65.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R. 2012: "Names backbone and registration of diatom names – State of the art" [Vortrag] – Am 30.08. auf dem "Online Diatom Resources Workshop" beim Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium in Gent, Belgien.
- Mayama, S.; Katoh, K.; Omori, H.; Seino, S.; Julius, M.; Lee, J. H.; Cheong, C.; Lobo, E. A.; Witkowski, A., Srivibool, R.; Muangphra, P.; Jahn, R.; Kulikovskiy, M.; Hamilton, P. B.; Gao, Y.-H.; Ector, L.; Soeprobowati, T. R., Balasubramanian, K.; Alakananda, B.; Guruprasad, S.; Barlaan, E. A.; Solak, C. N. 2012: Diatoms challenge to change people's awareness about riverine environment with aid of an international Web-based educational system. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 77.
- Romero, O. R.; Jahn, Regine; Zimmermann, Jonas 2012: A culture-based study of Cocconeis lineata Ehrenberg and Cocconeis euglypta Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta): Morphology, typification, and barcoding. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 94,
- Stachura-Suchoples, K.; Kulikovskiy, M.; Gusev, E.; Zetzsche, H.; Jahn, R, 2012: Crossing the freshwater-> brackisch-water/marine boundary: New insights, such as morphology, biogeography and molecular data from Thalassiosiraceae. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 101.
- Zetzsche, H.; Abarca, N.; Gusev, E.; Kulikovskiy, M. S.; Jahn, R. 2012: Melosira varians - a true cosmopolitan freshwater diatom species of low molecular and morphological diversity? in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 115
- Zimmermann, J.; Glöckner, G.; Jahn, R.; Gemeinholzer, B. 2012: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in environmental barcoding - a progress report on biomonitoring of benthic river diatoms. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 117.
- Kusber, Wolf-Henning; von Mering, Sabine; Jahn, Regine (2012) GBIF Dateninfrastruktur: Limnologische Beobachtungs- und Belegdaten publizieren, abfragen und analysieren. in: N.N. (ed.): Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2012 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e. V. (DGL) und der deutschen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologicae (SIL). 24.-28. September 2012, Koblenz. Leipzig. - 2012, S. 177.
- Zetzsche, Holger; Dröge, Gabriele; Kusber, Wolf-Henning & Jahn, Regine 2012: Diatom DNA Barcoding: Voucher, DNA and Data Management based on GBIF, AlgaTerra and the DNA Bank Network. in: Gesierich, D. (ed.) 2012: Beiträge vom 26. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen. Abstracts of the 6th Central European Diatom Meeting 22-25 March 2012. Innsbruck. - 2012, S. 41.
- Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J., Romero, O. R.2012: A molecular approach to the taxonomy of Cocconeis placentula sensu lato. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 53.
- Kulikovskiy, M.; Lange-Bertalot, H.; Witkowski, A.; Gusev, E.; Zetzsche, Holger; Khursevich G. K. & Jahn, R. 2012: Immiscibility of diatom floras in Lake Baikal: Scientific phenomenon or fantasy? in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 64.
- Kusber, W.-H., Abarca, N., Skibbe, O., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2012: Reference library of DNA-barcoced diatoms - A use case for publishing data via the GBIF database AlgaTerra. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 65.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R. 2012: "Names backbone and registration of diatom names – State of the art" [Vortrag] – Am 30.08. auf dem "Online Diatom Resources Workshop" beim Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium in Gent, Belgien.
- Mayama, S.; Katoh, K.; Omori, H.; Seino, S.; Julius, M.; Lee, J. H.; Cheong, C.; Lobo, E. A.; Witkowski, A., Srivibool, R.; Muangphra, P.; Jahn, R.; Kulikovskiy, M.; Hamilton, P. B.; Gao, Y.-H.; Ector, L.; Soeprobowati, T. R., Balasubramanian, K.; Alakananda, B.; Guruprasad, S.; Barlaan, E. A.; Solak, C. N. 2012: Diatoms challenge to change people's awareness about riverine environment with aid of an international Web-based educational system. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 77.
- Romero, O. R.; Jahn, Regine; Zimmermann, Jonas 2012: A culture-based study of Cocconeis lineata Ehrenberg and Cocconeis euglypta Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta): Morphology, typification, and barcoding. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 94,
- Stachura-Suchoples, K.; Kulikovskiy, M.; Gusev, E.; Zetzsche, H.; Jahn, R, 2012: Crossing the freshwater-> brackisch-water/marine boundary: New insights, such as morphology, biogeography and molecular data from Thalassiosiraceae. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 101.
- Zetzsche, H.; Abarca, N.; Gusev, E.; Kulikovskiy, M. S.; Jahn, R. 2012: Melosira varians - a true cosmopolitan freshwater diatom species of low molecular and morphological diversity? in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 115
- Zimmermann, J.; Glöckner, G.; Jahn, R.; Gemeinholzer, B. 2012: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in environmental barcoding - a progress report on biomonitoring of benthic river diatoms. in: Sabbe, K.; van de Vijver, B. & Vyverman, W. (ed.): Twentysecond International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Gent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. - VLIZ Special Publication 58. – S. 117.
- Kusber, Wolf-Henning; von Mering, Sabine; Jahn, Regine (2012) GBIF Dateninfrastruktur: Limnologische Beobachtungs- und Belegdaten publizieren, abfragen und analysieren. in: N.N. (ed.): Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2012 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e. V. (DGL) und der deutschen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologicae (SIL). 24.-28. September 2012, Koblenz. Leipzig. - 2012, S. 177.
- Zetzsche, Holger; Dröge, Gabriele; Kusber, Wolf-Henning & Jahn, Regine 2012: Diatom DNA Barcoding: Voucher, DNA and Data Management based on GBIF, AlgaTerra and the DNA Bank Network. in: Gesierich, D. (ed.) 2012: Beiträge vom 26. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen. Abstracts of the 6th Central European Diatom Meeting 22-25 March 2012. Innsbruck. - 2012, S. 41.
- Jahn, Regine; Zimmermann, Jonas; Abarca, Nélida; von Mering, Sabine; Kusber, Wolf-Henning (2012) Diatom research: towards cybertaxonomy. in: Gesierich, D. (ed.): Beiträge vom 26. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen. Abstracts of the 6th Central European Diatom Meeting 22-25 March 2012. Innsbruck. - 2012, S. 23.
- Jahn, R.& Kusber, W.H. 2012: Nomenklature im Grenzbereich von Phykologi und Protozoologie: maßgeschneiderte Codes oder ein universeller BioCode? - Keynote Lecture, 14. Wissenschaftlicher Tagung der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 26. bis 29. Februar 2012 & 31. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie 29.Februar bis 3. März 2012. Programm und Abstracs, p.59.
- Kusber, W.H., Jahn, R.& Mering, S. 2012: Algen und Protozoen - stärkere Sichtbarkeit in der Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). - 14. Wissenschaftlicher Tagung der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 26. bis 29. Februar 2012 & 31. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie 29.Februar bis 3. März 2012. Programm und Abstracs, p.104.
- Kanzler, D., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2011: Mittelfristige Veränderungen in der Biodiversitätsdynamik von Diatomeen und ihre Bedeutung für die Indizierung der Gewässergüte im Berliner Gebiet der Stadtspree. - P. 54 in: Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2011 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 12.-16. September 2011, Freising-Weihenstephan. München.
- Mering, S. von, Kusber, W.-H., Löhne, C., Gleisberg, C., Zippel, E., Jahn, R. & Berendsohn, W. G. 2011: GBIF Germany: Plants, Algae and Protists – Handling and Providing Primary Biodiversity Data. - P. 113 in: N.N. (ed.): Botanikertagung 2011 Conference Book 18.-23. September 2011. Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Dröge, G., von Mering, S. & Jahn, R. 2011: GBIF-D Botanik, Algen und Protisten: Mobilisierung und Publikation primärer Biodiversitätsdaten für die Nutzung in internationalen Daten-Netzwerken. - P. 60 in: Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2011 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 12.-16. September 2011, Freising-Weihenstephan. München.
- Taskin, E., Jahn, R. & Öztürk, M. 2011: The mediterranean Cystoseira species with the first report of Cystoseira spinosa var. compressa (Ercegovic) Cormaci et al. from Turkey. p. 75. Abstracts of the Fifth European Phycological Congress, 4-9 September 2011, Rhodes, Greece.
- Kanzler, D., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2011: Medium-term changes in the biodiversity of diatoms in the Spree urban river system (Berlin). p. 23. Abstracts of the 5th Central European Diatom Meeting, 24-27 March 2011, Szszecin, Poland.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2011: Occurrence records: the smallest publishable units of biodiversity research. p. 28. Abstracts of the 5th Central European Diatom Meeting, 24-27 March 2011, Szszecin, Poland.
- Abarca, N., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2011: Gomphonema parvulum Kützing: Evaluation of some morphological and molecular characters. p. 13. Abstracts of the 5th Central European Diatom Meeting, 24-27 March 2011, Szszecin, Poland.
- Jahn, R., Kusber, W.-H. & Patterson, D. 2011: The naming of microalgal protists: an example of the problems for the BioCode to resolve. – Pp. 171 in: Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011 Programme and Abstracts. Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2011: AlgaTerra database for algal biodiversity. – Pp. 220 in: Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011 Programme and Abstracts. Berlin.
- Silva, W.J., Malta, E.A., Ludwig, T.A., Jahn, R. & Menezes, M. 2011: Criteria of delimitation of the Cymbellaceae. I. Dorsiventrality. Pp. 339 in: Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011 Programme and Abstracts. Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R., Michel, A., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W. G. 2011: GBIF-D in its 10th year: Data mobilization and the development of taxonomic web services. – Pp. 220-221 in: Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011. Programme and Abstracts. Berlin.
- Buckeridge, J.S., Reeves, J.M. & Jahn, R. 2011: Priorities in biology - the role of the new IUBS Ethics Commission in biological sciences. Pp. 74 in: Borsch, T., Giere, P., Hoffmann, J., Jahn, R., Löhne, C., Nordt, B. & Ohl, M. (ed.): BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21-27 February 2011. Programme and Abstracts. Berlin. , Jahn, R. 2010: Special Session: Diatoms and genetic barcoding. Abstracts > presented at 21st International Diatom Symposium, Abstract Book, p.26.
- Jahn, R. 2010: Special Session: Diatoms and genetic barcoding. Abstracts Presented at 21st International Diatom Symposium, Abstract Book, p.26.
- Abarca, N., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2010: Taxonomy of some species of the diatom genus Gomphonema using morphological and morphological data. Abstracts Presented at 21st International Diatom Symposium, Abstract Book, p.3.
- Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B. & Jahn, R. 2010: Barcoding diatoms: water monitoring via molecular methods. Abstracts Presented at 21st International Diatom Symposium, Abstract Book, p.81.
- Abarca, N. & Jahn, R. 2010: Insights into a tropical river (Mexico). – P. 5 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Hagedorn, G., May, R., Schmidt, G., Kurz, M., Jahn, R. & Meinecke, P., B. 2010: Offene, frei verfügbare Online-Bestimmungsschlüssel. – GfBS Newsletter. 23: 22-23.
- Jahn, R. 2010: Ausblick. – GfBS Newsletter. 23: 59.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2010: Primary biodiversity data of diatoms in GBIF. – Pp. 33-34 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Ognjanova-Rumenova, N. & Jahn, R. 2010: Fragilaria rhombus Ehrenberg – typification, morphology, biostratigraphic significance.– Pp. 30-31 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.: Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Pfannkuchen, M., Marić, D., Godrijan, J., Precali, R., Jahn, R., Gemeinholzer, B., Zimmermann, J. & Batel, R. 2010: Regularly occurring domination of Skeletonema sp. in the winter phytoplankton of the northern Adriatic Sea. How to resolve the species?.– P. 37 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Stachura-Suchoples, K. & Jahn, R. 2010: Examination of Navicula amphigomphus Ehrenberg: basionym for Neidium amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Pfitzer.– P. 43 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Wojtal, A.Z. & Jahn, R. 2010: Identity and taxonomy of Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg. – P. 55 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Abstracts of the 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010. Reichenau/Bodensee, 12-14 March 2010. Berlin.
- Friedl, T., Brinkmann, N., Mohr, K.I., Hodač, L. & Jahn, R. 2009: Molecular assessment of diatoms and cyanobacteria in biofilms on tufa stromatolites of karstwater creeks. – P. (S02) 2 in: Wilhelm, C. & al. (ed.): Plants for the Future. Botanikertagung 2009: Leipzig 06-09 /10-09, Leipzig
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2009: Naming algal biodiversity: How to meet the provisions of the nomenclatural code(s). – P. (S02) 8 in: Wilhelm, C. & al. (ed.): Plants for the Future. Botanikertagung 2009: Leipzig 06-09 /10-09, Leipzig.
- Julius, M., Mayama, S., Katoh, K., Ohmori, H., Seino, S., Osaki, H., Hoffer, J., Lingle, K., Conroy, K., Lee, J.H., Cheong, Ch., Lobo, E.A., Witkowski, A., Srivibool, R., Muangphra, P., Jahn, R., and Kulikovskiy, M. 2009: SIMRIVER: an international educational tool expanding understanding of aquatic ecosystems and enhancin appreciation of diatoms. Abstract North American Diatom Symposium, Iowa, Sept. 2009.
- Marić, D., Godrijan, J., Pfannkuchen, M., Burić, Z., Jahn, R., Precali, R. 2009: Winter bloom of Skeletonema costatum 2009. Do we know what is actually blooming? in Proceeding of abstracts of the 10th Croatian Biological Congress with international participation, 14th-20th September 2009 Osijek, (Ed.. V. Besendorfer, et al.) Zagreb, 226-227.
- Wojtal A. Z. & Jahn R. 2009: Reinvestigation of Ehrenberg’s Pinnularia type material, from Chile. – Pp. 106-107 in: 28th International Phycological Conference Algal biodiversity in ecosystems of protected areas, 21-24 May 2009, Book of Abstracts. – Szczecin-Cieszyno Drawskie.
- Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Kube, M., Reinhardt, R. & Jahn, R. 2009: Watermonitoring via DNA barcoding: diatoms as bioindicators. – P. 142 in N.N. (ed.) Systematics 10-14 August 2009. Program and abstracts. Leiden.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., Aspöck, U., Bateman, R.M., Burckhardt, D., Goujet, D.F., Jahn, R. & Preisfeld, A. 2008: BioSyt EU: a new federation to further biological systematics in Europe. – P. 170 in Gradstein, S.R. et al. (ed.): Systematics 2008. Programme and Abstracts, Göttingen 7-11 April 2008. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen.
- Brinkmann, N., Arp, G., Jahn, R. & Friedl, T. 2008: Diversity of diatoms dominating biofilms on tufa stromatolites o fhard water creeks. – P. 36 in Cantonati, M., Scalfi, A. & Bertuzzi, E. (ed.): 2nd Central Europan Diatom Meeting, Abstract Book, 12 June 2008 - 15 June 2008 Trento (Italy), Trento.
- Gemeinholzer, B., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2008: Establishing DNA-Barcoding Methods in Diatoms for Diversity Assessments. – P.165 in N.N. (ed.):Botany 2008 26.-30. July 2008, Vancouver, Canada. Scientific Abstracts, Vancouver.
- Israde-Alcantara, I., Abarca, N., Segura-García, V., Ector, L., Cantoral-Uriza, E. & Jahn, R. 2008: Diatoms of the Lerma River : Water quality estimation of a heavily polluted river. Preliminary results. – P. 151 in Jasprica, N., Car, A. & Čalić, M. (ed.): 20th International Diatom Symposium. Abstract Book, 7-13 September 2008. Dubrovnik , Croatia.
- Jahn, R. 2008: 10 Jahre GfBS – Rückblick und Ausblick. – GfBS newsletter 20: 58.
- Jahn, R. 2008: Diatomeen-Taxonomie: Morphologische versus Molekulare Daten. – Pp. 14-15 in N.N. (ed.): Tagung der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, So, 30.03.2008 - Mi, 02.04.2008 Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Leipzig.
- Jahn, R.. 2008: Diatom taxonomy - morphological versus molecular data. – P. 56 in Jasprica, N., Car, A. & Čalić, M. (ed.): 20th International Diatom Symposium. Abstract Book, 7-13 September 2008. Dubrovnik , Croatia.
- Kapetanović, T. & Jahn, R.. 2008: Diatoms of a poor fen (Bijambare, Bosnia and Herzegovina). – P. 159 in Jasprica, N., Car, A. & Čalić, M. (ed.): 20th International Diatom Symposium. Abstract Book, 7-13 September 2008. Dubrovnik , Croatia.
- Kapetanović, T. & Jahn, R. 2008: Diatoms of mountain fens in Bosnia and Herzegovina – first results. – P. 38 in Cantonati, M., Scalfi, A. & Bertuzzi, E. (ed.): 2nd Central Europan Diatom Meeting, Abstract Book, 12 June 2008 - 15 June 2008 Trento (Italy), Trento.
- Lenz, S., Jahn, R. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2008: Taxonomic assessment of morphologic al and molecular data from selected clones of the family Surirellaceae (Bacillariophyta). – P. 252 in Gradstein, S.R. et al. (ed.): Systematics 2008. Programme and Abstracts, Göttingen 7-11 April 2008. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen.
- Stachura-Suchoples, K., Jahn, R., Kovar-Eder, J. & Sun, G. 2008: The Middle Miocene Record of Pliocaenicus cathayanus-jilinensis complex from Changbai (Jilin Province, China). – P. 220 in Jasprica, N., Car, A. & Čalić, M. (ed.): 20th International Diatom Symposium. Abstract Book, 7-13 September 2008. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Kube, M. & Jahn, R. 2008: Diatoms as bioindicators: watermonitoring via DNA barcoding. – P. 157 in Gradstein, S.R. et al. (ed.): Systematics 2008. Programme and Abstracts, Göttingen 7-11 April 2008. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen.
- Abarca, N., Jahn, R., Israde, I. & Blanco, S. 2007: Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality in the Lerma River, Mexico – Pp. 7-8 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Brinkmann, N., Behnke, A., Jahn, R., Bruns, S. & Friedl, T.: Assessing the diversity of diatoms in calcifying biofilms of two hardwater creeks – P. 10 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Cocquyt, C., Taylor, J., Kusber, W.-H., Archibald, C., Harding, W. & Jahn, R. 2007: Digitizing African Surirellaceae: a pilot study – Pp. 16-17 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Gemeinholzer B. & Jahn R. 2007: Molecular tools: will they change everything in Diatom taxonomy? – Pp. 21-22 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Gemeinholzer, T. & Jahn, R. 2007: Establishment of DNA- Barcoding methods to detect and evaluate diatom biodiversity, evolution, and biotechnology application - Pp. 12, 27 in:N.N. (ed.): DNA Barcoding in Europe. Leiden, 3.-5. März 2007. Programm and Abstract.
- Jahn, R. 2007: Ausblick. – GfBS newsletter 18: 57-58.
- Jahn, R. 2007: 10 Jahre GfBS – Rückblick und Ausblick. – GfBS newsletter 19: 56-57.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2007: Naming and ranking in phycology. – P. 35 in N.N. (ed.): 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS). Wien, 20.-23. Februar 2007, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Programm, Abstracts, Wien.
- Kirchhoff A., Holetschek J., Hahn A., Kelbert P., Jahn, R. & Berendsohn W.G. 2007: The Botanical Node and the German GBIF Network – P. 37 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Cocquyt, C. & Jahn, R. 2007: Dissemination of historical biodiversity data from collections: East African Surirella-taxa (Bacillariophyta) as a pilot study. – P. 134 in N.N. (ed.): 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS). Wien, 20.-23. Februar 2007, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Programm, Abstracts, Wien.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn R.: Preface. – Pp. 3-4 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007. – Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn R.: Johannes Gerloff (1915-2000): A pioneer in using the Transmission Electron Microscope in diatom research, co-founder of Nova Hedwigia and Algae Curator at the BGBM Berlin-Dahlem – P. 48 in: Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. (ed.): 1st Central European Diatom Meeting (1st CE-DiatoM), 23-25 March 2007. Program and Abstract. Berlin.
- Abarca, N., Jahn, R. & Israde, I.: Diatom community analysis and quality assessment of the pollunted tropical Lerma River (Mexico). P. 5 in: Likoshway, Y.V. & Crawford, R.M.. (ed.), 19th International Diatom Symposium: Abstracts. Listvyanka, Russia 28. August - 3 September 2006. – Irkutsk, Russia.
- Abarca, N., Israde Alcántara, I., Segura-García, V., Cantoral-Uriza, E., Ector, L. & Jahn, R.: Résultats préliminaires pour l'évaluation de la qualité de l'eau de la Rivière Lerma (Mexique): espèces dominantes dans les sources et le cours principal et proposition de monitorage. – P. 73 in: Ector, L., Rimet, F. & Georges, A. (ed.): 25ème Colloque de l'Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française, 25-28 septembre 2006. Programme scientifique, résumés des communications et posters. – Caen, France.
- Abarca, N. & Jahn, R. 2006: Diatoms of the Lerma Catchment Area, Mexico: further results. - P. 5 in: Houk, V. et al. (ed.): Abstracts; 20. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, 23.-26. March 2006, Třeboň, Czech Republic.
- Cocquyt, C., Jahn, R. & Salmain, M.-S. 2006: Radiation and speciation in the East African Ancient Lakes: a cladistic approach based on the diatom family Surirellaceae. - P. 15 in: Kossler, A., Kohring, R. & Riedel, F. (ed.): Abstracts of the International Symposium Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL IV, Berlin, September 4-8, 2006 Berlin. Berliner Paläobiologische Abhandlungen 9: ?..
- Jahn, R., C. Cocquyt & W.-H. Kusber 2006: Re-evaluation and types of East African Surirella taxa based on a historical collection at the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. In: Kossler A., R. Kohring & F. Riedel (ed.) Abstract of the International Symposium Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL IV, Berlin, September 4-8, 2006. Berliner Paläobiologische Abhandlungen 9: 30.
- Jahn, R. 2006: Diatom Diversity in the National Park Chilbosan, DPR Korea. Abstract of the 19th International Diatom Meeting.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2006: Selected types of marine diatoms, described by C.G. Ehrenberg. – P. 19 in: Houk, V. et al. (ed.): Abstracts; 20. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, 23.-26. March 2006, Třeboň, Czech Republic.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2006: Harmonisierung von Algen-Taxalisten für die Umsetzung der EU-WRRL aus Sicht von Taxonomie und Daten-Management. – Pp. 108-109 in Anon. (ed.): Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2006 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 25. - 29. September 2006. Dresden.
- Abarca, N., Israde, I., Ector, L. & Jahn, R.: Diatomeas de la cuenca baja del Río Lerma (México): primeros resultados para el manejo ambiental de los ríos tropicales con una nueva generación de indicadores biológicos. – P. 114 in: Anon. (ed.), VII Congreso de Ficología de Latinoamérica y el Caribe y V Reunión Iberoamericana de Ficología, Cuba. Libro de Resúmenes. – La Habana
- Friedl, T., Behnke, A., Kipp, V., Jahn, R. & Arp, G. 2005: Assessing biodiversity of diatoms from calcifying biofilms of hard water creeks. Durban.
- Jahn, R., Kusber, W.-H., Hahn, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2005: AlgaTerra: calibrating micro algal information on the Internet. – TDWG Annual Meeting 11-18 September 2005, St Petersburg, Russia.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2005: Linking the past to the future: the AlgaTerra Information System. P. 663 in: XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna 17-23 July 2005. Abstracts.
- Kasten, J., Gutowski, A., Hofmann, G., Mischke, U., Schönfelder I., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R.: Die Algentaxonomie Deutschlands: Gegenwart und Zukunft. – Pp. 156-157 in: Anon. (ed.), Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2005 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 26-30. September 2005. – Karlsruhe.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R.: Diatomeen in der Ehrenberg Sammlung. – Pp. 29-30 in: Anon. (ed.), Abstractband, 19. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomlogen mit internationaler Beteiligung. 10.-13. März 2005. – Neuhaus/Dierhagen.
- Kusber, W.-H., Geissler, U. & Jahn, R. 2005: Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Rotalgen (Rhodophyceae), Armleuchteralgen (Charophyceae) und Braunalgen (Phaeophyceae) von Berlin. – 18 pp. in: Landesbeauftragter für Naturschutz und Landespflege & Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung (ed.): Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere von Berlin. CD-ROM, Version 1.2 - 07/2005. Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R.: Ergebnisse der BMBF-finanzierten Pilotphase des AlgaTerra Verbundprojektes. – Pp. 160-161 in: Anon. (ed.), Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2005 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 26-30. September 2005. – Karlsruhe.
- Elbrächter, M., Jahn, R., Kusber, W.-H. & Hoppenrath, M. 2004: Peridinium splendor-maris Ehrenberg is an Alexandrium-species but not Blepharocysta splendor-maris sensu Stein, 1883! – P. 142 in: Programme and Abstracts. 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Cape Town, South Africa.
- Geissler, U., Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2004: The diatom flora of Berlin (Germany): an overview. P. 138 in: Witkowski, A., Radziejewska, T., Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska, B., Daniszewska-Kowalczyk & Bąk, M. (ed.): 18th International Diatom Symposium, Programme and Abstracts. 2-7 September 2004 Międzyzdroje, Poland.
- Jahn, R., Glück, K. & Kusber, W.-H. 2004: Das AlgaTerra Informationssystem: Verknüpfung von historischen und aktuellen Daten für zukünftige Diatomeen-Forschungen. P. 8 in: 18. Tagung Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen an der Limnologischen Station der Technischen Universität München in Iffeldorf. – Abstracts.
- Jahn, R., Glück, K. & Kusber, W.-H. 2004: AlgaTerra Information System: linking the past to the future. P. 71 in: Witkowski, A., Radziejewska, T., Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska, B., Daniszewska-Kowalczyk & Bąk, M. (ed.): 18th International Diatom Symposium, Programme and Abstracts. 2-7 September 2004 Międzyzdroje, Poland.
- Jahn, R., Kusber, W.-H., Elbrächter, M. & Hoppenrath, M. 2004: Original material of Ehrenberg's Cryptomonas lima rediscovered: the identity of Prorocentrum lima reinvestigated. – P. 142 in: Programme and Abstracts. 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Cape Town, South Africa.
- Jahn, R., Kusber, W.-H. & Glück, K. 2004: AlgaTerra progress report: potentials of a virtual collection for micro algal research. P. 34 in:7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik. Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 14. - 17. September 2004. Abstracts of talks and posters.
- Jahn, R., Lazarus, D., Glück, K., Jobst, A. & Kusber, W.-H. 2004: The AlgaTerra project: safeguarding of historical information for biodiversity research. Pp. 55-56 in: Zippel, E., Greuter, W. & Stevens, A.-D. (ed.) Botanic Gardens: Awareness for Biodiversity (International Scientific Symposium, Programme and Abstracts). Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Reisser, W., Glück, K. & Jahn, R. 2004: The first Internet bibliography for aero-terrestrial algae as part of the AlgaTerra Information System. P. 174 in: Witkowski, A., Radziejewska, T., Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska, B., Daniszewska-Kowalczyk & Bąk, M. (ed.): 18th International Diatom Symposium, Programme and Abstracts. 2-7 September 2004 Międzyzdroje, Poland.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2004: The role of botanic gardens for the biodiversity of algae: the Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem. Pp. 33-34 in: Zippel, E., Greuter, W. & Stevens, A.-D. (ed.) Botanic Gardens: Awareness for Biodiversity (International Scientific Symposium, Programme and Abstracts). Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H., Glück, K. & Jahn, R. 2004: The AlgaTerra database including the typification module and Ehrenberg's types. - Pp. 146-147 in: Berendsohn, W. G. & Oehlschlaeger, S. (ed.): GBIF-D: German Participation in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Projects in the German National Programme for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2003-2006. Status Report 2004. - PT-DLR & BGBM. Bonn & Berlin.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2004 "2003": Ehrenberg's original material: relevance for studies in systematics. P. 35 in: Fritz, U. (ed.): Abstracts of the 6th Annual Congress of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS, Society for Biological Systematics). Organisms, Diversity & Evol. 3, Electronic Suppl. 17: 1-60. [28 January 2004].
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2004 "2003": Ehrenberg's types of generic diatom names within the AlgaTerra database project. AlgaTerra. P. 29 in: Fritz, U. (ed.): Abstracts of the 6th Annual Congress of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS, Society for Biological Systematics). Organisms, Diversity & Evol. 3, Electronic Suppl. 17: 1-60. [28 January 2004].
- Jahn, R., Crawford, R.M., Friedl, T., Lazarus, D., Medlin, L., Reisser, W., Beszteri, B., Glück, K., Hamann, K., Hepperle, D., Hinz, F., Huck, V., Jobst, A., Kasten, J., Kusber, W.-H., Salisch, M., Strieben, S. 2003: The BIOLOG project AlgaTerra: a database for research on microalgae diversity and systematics. - P. 9 in: Organisms, Diversity & Evol. 3, Electronic Suppl. 2.
- Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. 2003: Typification of Ehrenberg's diatom genera within the AlgaTerra database project. - P. 94 in: Book of Abstracts. Third European Phycological Congress, Belfast, 21-26 July 2003.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2003: Ehrenberg's types of phytoflagellates. P. 94 in: Book of Abstracts. Third European Phycological Congress, Belfast, 21-26 July 2003.
- Jahn, R., Glück, K. & Kusber, W.-H. 2003: The AlgaTerra database including the typification module and Ehrenberg’s types. Pp. 185-186 in: Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity. A challenge for society. – Symposium Report, Part A.
- Jahn, R., Huck, V., Kusber, W.-H. & Glück, K. 2003: Banque de données AlgaTerra: projet de typification des taxons de diatomées d'Ehrenberg. P. 21 in Cambra, J., Ector, L., Gomà, J., Ortiz, R. & Granier, G. (ed.): Résumés des communications, 22ième colloque de l'ADLaF., Espot, Espagne.
- Huck, V. & Jahn, R. 2003: Les diatomées de la rivière Ixcanal (El Salvador, Amérique Centrale): diversité et problèmes taxinomiques. p. 20 in Cambra, J., Ector, L., Gomà, J., Ortiz, R. & Granier, G. (ed.): Résumés des communications, 22ième colloque de l'ADLaF., Espot, Espagne.
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2003: Mikroalgen-Originalmaterial von C.G. Ehrenberg: Wert für die Systematische Forschung. - P. 38 in: Programm und Kurzfassungen. 6. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Dresden, 16.-18. September 2003.
- Jahn, R., Huck, V. & Kusber, W.-H.: 2003: Typifizierung von Ehrenbergs Diatomeen - Fortschritte und Probleme. - Abstract 17 in Abstractband; 17. Treffen deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, Bredbeck (3.4.-6.4.2003).
- Glück K., Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2003: AlgaTerra - Applying Type Designation and Factual Data to a Berlin Model database. Abstract. Taxonomic Databases Working Group, Annual Meeting, 25-26 October 2003, Oeiras, Lisboa, Portugal. - [http://www.tdwg.org/2003meet/TDWG2003.htm]
- Jahn, R. 2002: Typification of Ehrenberg's diatom names: a progress report. P. 56. In: Book of Abstracts. 17th International Diatom Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, 25-31 August 2002.
- Glück, K., Kusber, W.-H., Berendsohn, W.G., Geoffroy, M., Güntsch A. & Jahn, R. 2002: The BGBM Model: Type Designation in AlgaTerra. In: Book of Abstracts. Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) Annual Meeting, 16-20 October 2002, Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil.
- Jahn, R., Crawford, R.M., Friedl, T., Lazarus, D., Medlin, L., Reisser, W., Beszteri, B., Glück, K., Hamann, K., Hepperle, D., Hinz, F., Huck, V., Jobst, A., Kasten, J., Kusber, W.-H., Salisch, M., Strieben, S. 2002: Datenverfügbarkeit für die Systematische Forschung an Mikroalgen. Pp. 21-22 in: Programm und Abstracts, 5. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, 18.-20. September 2002, München.
- Huck, V. & Jahn, R. 2002: Beitrag zur Diatomeen-Diversität El Salvadors (Mittelamerika). Pp. 27-28 in: Rott, E. & Binder, N. (ed.): 16. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, 15.-17. März 2002, Innsbruck.
- Kusber, W.-H., Jahn, R. & Geissler, U. 2002: Datensammlung für eine Rote Liste und Florenliste der Zieralgen und Diatomeen Berlins. - Pp. 75-76 in: Abstractband; Jahrestagung 2002 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). 30. September - 4. Oktober 2002, Braunschweig.
- Kusber, W.-H., Geissler, U. & Jahn, R. 2002: Eine Rote Liste für Diatomeen in Berlin: Notwendigkeit, Datenlage und Umsetzung. Pp. 57-58 in: Rott, E. & Binder, N. (ed.): 16. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, 15.-17. März 2002, Innsbruck.
- Jahn, R., Medlin, L., Crawford, R.M., Friedl, T., Lazarus, D., Gärtner, G., Kusber, W.-H., Beszteri, B., Hamann, K., Hepperle, D., Hinz, F., Huck, V., Jobst, A., Kasten, J., Strieben, S. & Teske, K. 2002: Taxonomische, molekulare und ökologische Information zu Diatomeen: Planung des Informations-Systems "AlgaTerra". Pp. 51-52 in: Rott, E. & Binder, N. (eds): 16. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen mit internationaler Beteiligung, 15.-17. März 2002, Innsbruck.
- Jahn, R., Beszteri, B., Crawford, R.M., Friedl, T., Hamann, K.,Hepperle, D., Hinz, F., Jobst, A., Kusber, W.-H., Lazarus, D., Medlin, L., Reisser, W., Salisch, M., Strieben, S. Teske, K. & An de Peer, Y. 2002: AlgaTerra: an information system for terrestrial algal biodiversity. A synthesis of taxonomic, molecular and ecological information. Pp. 36 in: Anonymous (ed.) Program & Abstracts; International Meeting: Culture Collections of algae: increasing accessibility and exploring algal biodiversity, Göttingen, 2.-6. September 2002. - Göttingen.
- Edlund, M.B. & Jahn, R. 2001: Report of a workshop on ’Biogeography and Endemism of Diatoms.’ – P.p. 575-588 in: Economou-Amilli, A. (ed.): Proceedings 16th International Diatom Symposium, 25 August – 1 September 2000, Athens.
- Jahn, R. 2001: AlgaTerra - an information system for terrestrial algal biodiversity: a synthesis of taxonomic, molecular and ecological information. Pp. 230-231. In: BIOLOG - German Programme on Biodiversity and Global Change. Status Report 2001. Bonn. http://www.dlr.de/PT/Umwelt/F70000/F73000/Status%20Report%202001/Status%20Report%202001.pdf
- Kusber, W.-H., Teske, K. & Jahn, R. 2001: The Algaterra information system including the IDEAL-Module. Pp. 232-233. In: BIOLOG - German Programme on Biodiversity and Global Change. Status Report 2001. Bonn. http://www.dlr.de/PT/Umwelt/F70000/F73000/Status%20Report%202001/Status%20Report%202001.pdf
- Kusber, W.-H. & Jahn, R. 2001: Rote Listen limnischer Algen, Stand der Bearbeitung (Beitrag zur "Fachdiskussion über eine Neuauflage der Roten Liste des Landes Berlin" am 3.5.2001 beim Landesbeauftragten für Naturschutz und Landespflege, Berlin). [
- Jahn, R., Kusber, W.H. & Teske, K. 2001: The project AlgaTerra: Outline of an information system for terrestrial algae biodiversity. TDWG-Abstracts.
- Jahn, R. 2000: Ehrenberg in Greece: Worldwide Cooperation of Scientists in the 19th Century. - 16th International Diatom Symposium, Athens, Abstracts: 53.
- Jahn R. 1999: Historical diatom biodiversity of Lake Malawi, East Africa: A study on 100 years old samples. Abstract, XVI. International Botanical Congress, St. Louis.
- Busse, S., Jahn, R. & Schulz, C.J. 1997: Desalinization effects on benthic diatom communities in two creeks in Thuringia, Germany (Abstract). - Phycologia 36 (4, Supplement): 14.
- Jahn, R. 1994: On Otto Müller´s concept of the genus Gomphocymbella. - 13th International Diatom Symposium, Italien, Abstract book: 67.