Studies in Biology at Technical University Dresden and Freie Universität Berlin,diploma 2005. Technical Assistant at Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Reasearch Berlin, 2006-2007, from 2007 research associate at section Biodiversity Informatics at BGBM.
- Data management and integration of biological collections and literature
- Biobanking workflows and documentation
- Data standardization
- Ornithology (Corvidae), Ecology, Paleontology
Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
Marquardt, J., Köster, N., Droege, G., Holetschek, J., Güntsch, A., Bratzel, F., Zizka, G., Koch, M.A., Borsch, T. (in press): What grows where? Towards an infrastructure to connect collections of botanic gardens for research and conservation. Proceedings EuroGard VIII.
Rabone, M., Harden-Davies, H., Collins J. E., Zajderman, S., Appeltans, W., Droege, G., Brandt, A., Pardo-Lopez, L., Dahlgren, T. G., Glover, A. G., Horton, T. 2019: Access to Marine Genetic Resources (MGR): Raising Awareness of Best-Practice Through a New Agreement for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ). - Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 520 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00520
Smith, V.S., Gorman, K., Addink, W., Arvanitidis, C., Casino, A., Dixey, K., Dröge, G., Groom, Q., Haston, E.M., Hobern, D., Knapp, S., Koureas, D., Livermore, L., Seberg, O. (2019) SYNTHESYS+ Abridged Grant Proposal. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5: e46404. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.5.e46404
- Güntsch, A., Hyam, R., Hagedorn, G., Chagnoux, S., Röpert, D., Casino, A., Droege, G., Glöckler, F., Gödderz, K., Groom, Q., Hoffmann, J., Holleman, A., Kempa, M., Koivula, H., Marhold, K., Nicolson, N., Smith, V.S., Triebel, D. (2017): Actionable, Long-Term Stable, and Semantic Web Compatible Identifiers for Access to Biological Collection Objects. Database: bax003. doi: 10.1093/database/bax003
- Droege, G., Barker, K., Seberg, O., Coddington, J., Benson, E., Berendsohn, W.G., Bunk, B., Butler, C., Cawsey, E.M., Deck, J., Döring, M., Flemons, P., Gemeinholzer, B., Güntsch, A., Hollowell, T., Kelbert, P., Kostadinov, I., Kottmann, R., Lawlor, R.T., Lyal, C., Mackenzie-Dodds, J., Meyer, C., Mulcahy, D., Nussbeck, S.Y., Ó Tuama, É., Orrell, T., Petersen, G., Robertson, T., Söhngen, C., Whitacre, J., Wieczorek, J., Yilmaz, P., Zetzsche, H., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X. (2016): The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Standard specification. Database: baw125. doi: 10.1093/database/baw125
- Seberg, O., Droege, G., Barker, K., Coddington, J.A., Funk, A., Gostel, M., Petersen, G. & Smith, P.P. (2016): Global Genome Biodiversity Network: Saving a blueprint of the Tree of Life – A botanical perspective. Annals of Botany: mcw121. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcw121
- Droege, G., Töpfer, T. (2016): The Corvids Literature Database – 500 years of ornithological research from a crow’s perspective. Database: bav122. doi: 10.1093/database/bav122
- Nussbeck, S., Rabone, M., Benson, E.E., Droege, G., Mackenzie-Dodds, J., Lawlor, R.T. (2016): 'Life in Data’ – Outcome of A Multi-Disciplinary, Interactive Biobanking Conference Session on Sample Data. Biopreservation and Biobanking. 14 (1). doi: 10.1089/bio.2015.0061
- Kelbert, P., Droege, G., Barker, K., Braak, K., Cawsey, E.M., Coddington, J., Robertson, T., Whitacre, J., Güntsch, A. (2015): B-HIT - A Tool for Harvesting and Indexing Biodiversity Data. PLoS ONE. 10 (11): e014224. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0142240.
- Coddington, J., Barker, K., Droege, G., Astrin, J., Bartels, P., Butler, C., Cantrill, D., Forest, F., Gemeinholzer, B., Hobern, D., Mackenzie-Dodds, J., Ó Tuama, É., Petersen, G., Sanjur, O., Schindel, D., Seberg, O. (2014): GGBN: Making genomic collections discoverable for research through a networked community of biodiversity repositories. IN: DNA Banking for the 21st Century, Publisher: The William L. Brown Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden., Editors: Wendy Applequist, Lisa Campbell, pp.165-168.
- Droege, G., Barker, K., Astrin, J., Bartels, P., Butler, C., Cantrill, D., Coddington, J., Forest, F., Gemeinholzer, B., Hobern, D., Mackenzie-Dodds, J., Ó Tuama, É., Petersen, G., Sanjur, O., Schindel, D., Seberg, O. (2014): The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal. Nucleic Acids Research. 42 (D1): D607-D612. DOI:10.1093/nar/gkt928.
- Wieczorek, J., Banki, O., Blum, S., Deck, J., Döring, M., Dröge, G., Endresden, D., Goldstein, P., Leary, P., Krishtalka, L., Ó Tuama, É., Robbins, R.J., Robertson, T.; Yilmaz, P. (2013): GBIF hackathon-workshop on Darwin Core and sample data (22-24 May 2013). Standards in Genomic Sciences. 9 (39): 614-627.
- Ó Tuama, É., Deck, J., Dröge, G., Döring, M., Field, D., Kottmann, R., Ma, J., Mori, H., Morrison, N., Sterk, P., Sugawara, H., Wieczorek, J., Wu, L., Yilmaz, P. (2012): Meeting Report: Hackathon-Workshop on Darwin Core and MIxS Standards Alignment (February 2012). Standards in Genomic Sciences. 7 (1): 166-170.
- Holetschek, J., Dröge, G., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W. (2012): The ABCD of rich data access to Natural History Collections. Plant Biosystems. 146 (4): 771-779, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2012.740085 (2012)
- Campbell, L., Quenzer, M., Dröge, G., Kirchgessner, A., Simpson, J. & Tulig, M. (2012): Tissue and DNA banking at The New York Botanical Garden. Collection Forum. 26 (1-2): 120-129.
- Gemeinholzer, B., Dröge, G., Zetzsche, H., Haszprunar, G., Klenk, H.-P., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. & Wägele, J.-W. (2011): The DNA Bank Network: the start from a German initiative. Biopreservation and Biobanking. April 2011, 9 (1): 51-55.
- Gemeinholzer, B., Rey, I., Weising, K., Grundmann, M., Muellner, A. N., Zetzsche, H., Droege, G., Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Rawson, D. M., Weigt, L. A. (2010): Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. IN: ABC-Taxa, Volume 8 - Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories, Chapter 7, 129-157.
- Droege, G., Zetzsche, H. & Gemeinholzer, B. (2009): Das DNA-Bank-Netzwerk - Eine Struktur fuer alle Faelle? In: Fischer, S., Maehle, E. & Reischuk, R. (2009): Informatik 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Informatics, GI-Edition P-154: 26, 595-609.
Journals, not peer reviewed
- Smith, V.S., Gorman, K., Addink, W., Arvanitidis, C., Casino, A., Dixey, K., Droege, G., Groom, Q., Haston, E.M., Hobern, D., Knapp, S., Koureas, D., Livermore, L., Seberg, O. (2019) SYNTHESYS+ Abridged Grant Proposal. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5: e46404. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.5.e46404
- Stevens, A.-D., Droege, G., Zippel, E., Häffner, E. & Borsch, T. (2019): Documentation of specimens at the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin with regard to ABS. BG Journal 16 (1): 22-25.
- Droege, G. & Stork, H.-J. (2007): Eine neue Saatkraehen-Kolonie am Flughafen Berlin-Tegel – Aufbau, Struktur, Einzugsbereich und Brutverlauf in den Jahren 2004 und 2005. [A new rookery at Berlin-Tegel airport – development, structure, range and breeding progress in 2004 and 2005.] Vogel und Luftverkehr (1): 22-45. [Pdf]
Other publications
- Droege, G., Barker, K., Butler, C., Lyal, C., Seberg, O. (in press). GGBN - Strategies for Standardized Exchange of Genetic Resources on a Global Scale. In: Löhne, C., Zippel, E., Rohkemper, M. and Gardt, S. (eds) Genetische Ressourcen, Gesetze & Gute Praxis: Wege zur Umsetzung des Nagoya-Protokolls in Deutschland. Projektbericht. BfN-Skripten.
- Kusber, W.-H., Dröge, G., von Mering, S. & Jahn, R. 2012: GBIF-D Pflanzen, Algen & Protisten: Mobilisierung und Publikation primärer Biodiversitätsdaten für die Nutzung in: internationalen Datennetzwerken - Pp. 406-410 in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2011 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Weihenstephan, 12. Sept. - 16. Sept. 2011. Hardegsen.
- Droege, G., Zetzsche, H., Raupach, M.J., Knebelsberger, T. & Gemeinholzer, H. (2010): Hilfe zur Erfassung von Sammlungsdaten fuer Belege, Gewebe und DNA: eine standardisierte Formatvorlage. GfBS newsletter 23: 15-17.
- Zetzsche, H., Droege, G. & Gemeinholzer, B. (2009): DNA Bank Network - Webkatalog und Referenzdatenbank fuer organismische DNA. GfBS newsletter 22: 4-7.
- Zetzsche, H., Droege, G. & Gemeinholzer, B. (2007): DNA-Banken fuer die Biodiversitaetsforschung - Aufbau und Management des DNA-Bank-Netzwerkes. In Proceedingsband der Verbandstagung der Botanischen Gaerten 2007, Osnabruecker Naturwiss. Mitt 33: 59-71