Contents Willdenowia 26 (1/2) (issued 29 November 1996) Abstracts
Greuter, W. & Vogt, R.: Bericht über den Botanischen Garten und das Botanische Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM) für das Jahr 1995 ..... 5 Full-text article
Lidén, M.: New taxa of tuberous Corydalis (Fumariaceae) ..... 23 Abstract, Full-text article
Bolliger, M.: Monographie der Gattung Odontites (Scrophulariaceae) sowie der verwandten Gattungen Macrosyringion, Odontitella, Bornmuellerantha und Bartsiella ..... 37 Abstract, Full-text article, p. 37-60, p. 61-88, p. 89-121, p. 122-168
Starmühler, W.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Aconitum pilipes (Ranunculaceae) und seiner Hybriden ..... 169 Abstract, Full-text article
Foggi, B. & Rossi, G.: A survey of the genus Festuca L. (Poaceae) in Italy. I. The species of the summit flora in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and Apuan Alps ..... 183 Abstract, Full-text article
Schönfelder, P. & Ludwig, D.: Dactylis metlesicsii (Poaceae), eine neue Art der Gebirgsvegetation von Tenerife, Kanarische Inseln ..... 217 Abstract, Full-text article
Scholz, H.: Die Taxonomie der Stipa fontanesii Parl., und S. maroccana, eine neue Art aus Marokko (Gramineae) ..... 225 Abstract, Full-text article
Scholz, H.: Two new Eragrostis taxa (Gramineae) ..... 229 Abstract, Full-text article
Lye, K. A.: A new species of Cyperus subg. Pycreus (Cyperaceae) from Somalia ..... 233 Abstract, Full-text article
Brullo, S., Pavone, P. & Salmeri, C.: Allium daninianum (Alliaceae), a new species from the Middle East ..... 237 Abstract, Full-text article
Gabrielian, E. & Vallès Xirau, J.: New data about the genus Artemisia L. (Asteraceae) in Armenia ..... 245 Abstract, Full-text article
Assadi, M.: A taxonomic revision of Elymus sect. Caespitosae and sect. Elytrigia (Poaceae, Triticeae) in Iran ..... 251 Abstract, Full-text article
Hunger, S.: The Pluchea tetranthera complex (Compositae, Plucheeae) from Australia ..... 273 Abstract, Full-text article
Beurton, Ch.: Die Früchte und Samen der kubanischen Zanthoxylum-Arten (Rutaceae) ..... 283 Abstract, Full-text article
Hoff, M., Cremers, G. & Boggan, J.: Studies on the flora of the Guianas no 84. New records for French Guiana, 1992-1994 ..... 301 Abstract, Full-text article
Ibisch, P. L., Neinhuis, Ch. & Rojas N., P.: On the biology, biogeography, and taxonomy of Arachnitis Phil. nom. cons. (Corsiaceae) in respect to a new record from Bolivia ..... 321 Abstract, Full-text article
Jahn, R.: The historical East African freshwater algae collection at the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (B) ..... 333 Abstract, Full-text article
Buchbesprechungen ..... 341
Reviewers of manuscripts submitted for publication during 1995 ..... 361