This inventory is based on the data provided by the permanent staff members on their personal pages. Research by associated staff is incompletely covered.
Biodiversity informatics / Floristic projects / Taxonomic arrangement / Geographic arrangement / General subjects
A. Floristic research projects
- Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries (BGBM & Conservatoire botanique de la Ville de Genève, Geneva [W. Greuter, T. Raus]
- Flora de la República de Cuba (with Institut für Spezielle Botanik der Universität Jena, Jardín Botánico Nacional, Universidad de La Habana and Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba [W. Greuter, C. Beurton]
- Flora of the Guianas (Consortium of 5 European and 2 North American institutions, the University of Guyana, Georgetown, and the National Herbarium, University of Suriname, Paramaribo [P. Hiepko, B. Leuenberger, H. Sipman] website
- Inventario Florístico del Parque Nacional "El Imposible" (Co-operation ["Convenio"] of: Servicio de Parques Nacionales, CENREN, MAG, El Salvador; Fundación Salvanatura; Jardín Botánico La Laguna; and BGBM [W. Berendsohn]
- Listado Básico de la Flora Salvadoriensis and Flora of El Salvador (long-term projects with Jardín Botánico La Laguna [W. Berendsohn]
- Algaterra Information System [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]
- The diatomflora of Korea [R. Jahn]
- Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Gomphocymbella species [R. Jahn]
- Typification of Otto Müller's taxa from East African material at B [R. Jahn]
- Historical diatom-diversity in Lake Malawi and tributary waters, East Africa [R. Jahn]
- Medium-term changes in the biodiversity of diatoms in Berlin waters: a comparison of old and new samples [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]
- Nomenclature of algae [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]
- Typification of Ehrenberg's taxa [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]]
- Red List of Algae in Berlin [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]
- Taxonomy of algae especially phytoflagellates [R. Jahn, W.-H. Kusber]
Fungi, incl. lichenized fungi:
- Higher fungi, especially Basidiomycetes (taxonomy, nomenclature, photography) and the genus Panaeolus world-wide [E. Gerhardt]
- Taxonomy of Graphidales of the Guianas and New Guinea [H. Sipman]
- Taxonomy of Cladonia in the Guianas, in co-operation with Prof. T. Ahti, Helsinki [H. Sipman]
- Key to the lichen genera of the Neotropics [H. Sipman]
- Guide to, and placement of keys on Internet [H. Sipman]
- Maintaining of pre-1949 lichen literature database in the Internet: Mattick's Literature Index [H. Sipman]
- Revision of the lichen genus Hypotrachyna in the Neotropics, in co-operation with J. Elix (Canberra, Australia) and T. Nash (Tempe, USA), supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft. [H. Sipman]
- The lichen flora of selected Aegean islands (Greece) and their phytogeographical and historical significance, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft [H. Sipman, T. Raus]
- The lichen flora of Costa Rica. Participation in the Ticolichen programm managed by Robert Lücking, and the Inventario National de Biodiversidad of INBio [H. Sipman]
- Tropical mosses, Taxonomy of Calymperaceae, especially Mitthyridium. [H. Nowak-Krawietz]
- Taxonomy of the fern genus Adiantum [B. Zimmer]
Flowering plant families:
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Adoxa) [T. Raus]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Amsinckia, Asperugo, Borago, Cerinthe, Lappula, Rochelia) [T. Raus]
- Revision of Greek species of Alkanna (Boraginaceae) (PhD thesis, A. Vasiliou) [W. Greuter]
- Monographic studies, revisions, taxonomic history (Pereskia, Maihuenia, Denmoza, Opuntia ser. Armatae, south American Harrisia and other mainly South American genera) [B. Leuenberger]
- Contribution to Flora of the Guianas [B. Leuenberger]
- Contribution to Flora of Argentina [B. Leuenberger]
- Contribution to Flora of Chile [B. Leuenberger]
- Phylogeny of Old-World Capparoideae (PhD thesis, K. Rabe; co-supervisor Dr N. Kilian) [W. Greuter]
- Taxonomy and biogeography of Silene [W. Greuter]
- Caryophyllaceae treatment for the Flora de la República de Cuba [W. Greuter]
- Taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of vascular plants in the Mediterranean, in particular Cisteae. [T. Raus]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Cistus, Fumana, Halimium, Helianthemum, Tuberaria) [T. Raus]
- Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the genus Anogeissus (Combretaceae,
Myrtales, Rosidae) by means of morphological-anatomical and under consideration of
molecular data (diploma thesis Gesche Hohlstein; cosupervisors N. Kilian) [W. Greuter]
- Treatment for Med-Checklist [W. Greuter]
- Contribution to Flora Iberica (Leucantheminae) [R. Vogt]
- Contributions to the checklist of vascular plants of northern Morocco [R. Vogt]
- Studies in the Compositae of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra [N. Kilian]
- Systematics of the Lactucinae (Prenanthes in Africa and SW Asia) [N. Kilian]
- The Lactuceae of China (Coordinating co-authorships Lactuceae for 'Flora of China') [N. Kilian]
- Molecular systematics of the Lactuceae substribes Sonchinae and Lactucinae [N. Kilian]
- Molecular systematics of the genus Launaea (Lactuceae, Sonchinae) [N. Kilian]
- Taxonomy and biogeography of vascular plants in the Mediterranean, particularly Anthemideae [R. Vogt]
- Taxonomy of Lactuceae, Hypochoeridinae; Inuleae, Phagnalon [H.W. Lack]
- Revision of Carduus, Alfredia and Olgaea (in co-operation with Dr M. Aghababian, Erevan) [W. Greuter]
- Taxonomy, floristics, morphology and anatomy of Achillea [C. Beurton]
- Contribution to W. Rothmaler's "Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Kritischer Band" (Achillea) [C. Beurton]
- Database "Natural Substances in the Compositae: The Bohlmann Files" (Dr. J. Jakupovic, TU Berlin & C. Zdero) [W. Berendsohn]
- Contributor to Kubitzki, K. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants (Compositae-Anthemideae) [R. Vogt]
- Compositae of Europe, a synonymic checklist. Part of the EU research project Euro+Med Plant Base (Electronic
online database, University of Reading) [W. Greuter] - Taxonomic monograph of Saussurea subg. Amphilaena (Compositae) (PhD thesis, E. von Raab-Straube) [W. Greuter]
- Taxonomy and biogeography of Cynareae (Compositae) [W. Greuter]
- Lactuceae - a review [H.W. Lack]
- Reconstruction of the molecular phylogeny of the Lactuceae/Asteraceae with special emphasis on the tribal delimitation, the subtribe Hieraciinae and the genera Crepis and Scorzonera [B. Gemeinhölzer]
- Phylogeny of the Lactuceae inferred from molecular markers with special emphasis on
sub tribal delimitation [N. Kilian & B. Gemeinholzer]
- Pterocephalus [H.W. Lack]
- Taxonomy and geography of grasses of Europe, the Mediterranean Region and Tropical Africa [H. Scholz]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Galeopsis, Glechoma, Leonurus, Phlomis, Prunella) [T. Raus]
- Menispermaceae of the Guianas [P. Hiepko]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Menyanthes, Nymphoides) [T. Raus]
- Contribution to Flora of the Greater Antilles [P. Hiepko]
- Neotropical Opiliaceae [P. Hiepko]
- Phylogeny of Portulaca sect. Neossia (Portulacaceae) (diploma thesis Simone Kipka; cosupervisor N. Kilian [W. Greuter]
- Revision of Potamogeton in Australia (PhD thesis, S. Papassotiriou; co-supervisor Dr S. Jacobs, Sydney) [W. Greuter]
- Contribution to Flora de la Republica de Cuba [C. Beurton]
- Taxonomy, floristics, morphology and anatomy of Rutaceae, especially Zanthoxylum [C. Beurton]
- Contribution to Flora of the Greater Antilles [C. Beurton]
- Taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of vascular plants in the Mediterranean, in particular Verbasceae, Rhinantheae [T. Raus]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Lindernia, Bacopa, Limosella, Mimulus, Digitalis, Sibthorpia, Melampyrum, Tozzia, Parentucellia, Bellardia, Pedicularis, Rhynchocorys, Lesquereuxia, Lathraea) [T. Raus]
- Contribution to Flora Hellenica (Atropa, Hyoscyamus, Physalis) [T. Raus]
- Turneraceae. Treatments for the Flora de la República de Cuba [W. Greuter]
- Contribution to Flora of the Guianas [B. Leuenberger]
Africa (excl. Mediterranean)
- Taxonomy and geography of grasses of Tropical Africa [H. Scholz]
- Historical diatom-diversity in Lake Malawi and tributary waters, East Africa [R. Jahn]
- Typification of Otto Müller's diatom taxa from East African material at B [R. Jahn]
- Opiliaceae [P. Hiepko]
- Cactaceae, monographic studies, taxonomic history (Pereskia, Maihuenia, Denmoza, and other mainly South American genera) [B. Leuenberger]
- Neotropical flora and vegetation, succulents in general [B. Leuenberger]
- Flora of Argentina, contribution, Cactaceae. [B. Leuenberger]
- Flora of Chile, contribution, Cactaceae. [B. Leuenberger]
- Lichen checklist [H. Sipman]
Costa Rica:
- The lichen flora of Costa Rica. Participation in the Ticolichen project, leader Robert Lücking, and the Inventario National de Biodiversidad of INBio [H. Sipman]
- Flora de la Republica de Cuba, contributions, Olacaceae [P. Hiepko], Rutaceae [C. Beurton]
- Caryophyllaceae and Turneraceae. Treatments for the Flora de la República de Cuba [W. Greuter]
El Salvador:
- Lichens of El Salvador, in collaboration with W. Berendsohn [H. Sipman]
- Inventario de los árboles de El Salvador [W. Berendsohn]
Greater Antilles:
- Flora of the Greater Antilles, contributions, Olacaceae [P. Hiepko], Rutaceae [C. Beurton]
- Flora of the Guianas, contributions, Cactaceae [B. Leuenberger], Lichens [H. Sipman], Menispermaceae [P. Hiepko], Zygophyllaceae [B. Leuenberger] (products available on Internet: key to lichen genera, key to Cladoniaceae and lichen checklist)
- The Lactuceae of China (Coordinating co-authorships Lactuceae for 'Flora of China') [N. Kilian]
- Phytodiversity and vegetation of representative palaeo-African refugia in the southern coastal mountains of the Yemeni mainland and on Socotra (A partial project of the BIOTA-Ost project group "Biodiversity and ecology of palaeo-African refugia in S Arabia and on Socotra" sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) [N. Kilian]
- Vascular plant flora and phytogeography of the southern governorates of Yemen, (Al-Mahra, Hadhramout, Shabwa, Abyan, Lahj, Aden) [N. Kilian]
- Lichens of New Guinea (in co-operation with Dr A. Aptroot (Baarn, The Netherlands), Dr E. Sérusiaux (Liège, Belgium) and others) [H. Sipman]
- Lichen flora of Iran in cooperation with Iranian scientists [H. Sipman]
- The diatom flora of Korea [R. Jahn]
- Revision of Potamogeton in Australia (PhD thesis, S. Papassotiriou; co-supervisor Dr S. Jacobs, Sydney) [W. Greuter]
Europe (excl. Mediterranean)
- W. Rothmaler's "Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Kritischer Band", contribution, Achillea [C. Beurton]
- Taxonomy and geography of grasses of Europe [H. Scholz]
- Medium-term changes in the biodiversity of diatoms in Berlin waters: a comparison of old and new samples [R. Jahn]
- Red List of Algae in Berlin (in cooperation with Regine Jahn and Ursula Geissler) [W.-H. Kusber]
- Med-Checklist: a critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries (edited by Prof. W. Greuter, et al.) (with the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève; sponsored by OPTIMA. Current: evaluation and incorporation of supplementary literature for vol. 2 in prep. [W. Greuter]; co-editing the series Med-Checklist notulae [W. Greuter, T. Raus]; WWW publication of the database in preparation [W. Berendsohn, P. Hein]
- Taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of vascular plants in the Mediterranean, in particular Cisteae (Cistaceae), Verbasceae, Rhinantheae (Scrophulariaceae) [T. Raus]
- Taxonomy and biogeography of vascular plants in the Mediterranean, particularly Anthemideae (Compositae) [R. Vogt]
- Taxonomy and geography of grasses of the Mediterranean Region [H. Scholz]
- Taxonomy and biogeography of vascular plants of Mediterranean areas, especially Greece [W. Greuter]
- Flora Hellenica (ed. D. Phitos & al., based at botanical institutions in Patras/Greece, Copenhagen/Denmark, Lund/Sweden and Berlin-Dahlem). Vol. 1 published. Accounts in preparation: Adoxaceae, Boraginaceae p.pte., Cistaceae, Labiatae p.pte., Menyanthaceae, Scrophulariaceae p.pte., Solanaceae p.pte. (for genera see Systematic Arrangement) [T. Raus]
- Plant biodiversity of Greece and the Aegean. Current: regional floras/annotated checklists of Santorini island group, Eastern Thessaly, and Western Thrace; miscellaneous additions to the flora of Greece [T. Raus]
- The lichen flora of selected Aegean islands and their phytogeographical and historical significance (inventories of Evvia, Ikaria, Kalimnos, Kos, Nisiros, Telendos, Paros & Antiparos, and Santorini island group, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft [H. Sipman, T. Raus]
N African countries:
- Plant biodiversity of Morocco. Current: Contributions to the checklist of vascular plants of northern Morocco (Compositae); Checklist of the Beni-Snassen area [R. Vogt]
- Cytological investigations in phanerogams, particularly NW Africa [R. Vogt]
Iberian peninsula:
- Flora Iberica, contribution, Compositae-Leucantheminae [R. Vogt]
- Lactuceae (excl. Hieracium and Taraxacum) for 'Flora von Istrien' [N. Kilian]
D. General subjects, arranged according to keywords
- Assembling, processing and networking of botanical information [W. Greuter]
- Inventorying and monitoring of plant biodiversity [W. Greuter]
- Franz Bauer - biography [H. W. Lack]
- Diatoms as bioindicators [R. Jahn]
- Changes in the biodiversity of freshwater diatoms [R. Jahn]
- Management of live and preserved botanical collections [W. Greuter]
- DNA based plant identification (DNA barcoding) [B. Gemeinholzer]
- Embryology of the Centrospermae and Tubiflorae [M. Hakki]
- History of herbarium collections [R. Vogt]
- History of diatom research [R. Jahn]
- History of plant taxonomy [H. W. Lack]
- Botanical illustration [H. W. Lack]
- Information modelling in biology, biological and environmental informatics in general [W. Berendsohn]
- Journal botanique of A. Bonpland & A. v. Humboldt [H. W. Lack]
- Medicinal plants of temperate regions [C. Beurton]
- Scanning electron microscopy [B. Zimmer]
- Molecular Systematics (Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Molecular Clock Reconstructions) [B. Gemeinholzer]
- Database Natural Substances in the Compositae: The Bohlmann Files (Dr. J. Jakupovic, TU Berlin & C. Zdero) [W. Berendsohn]
- Nomenclature, see separate page [W. Greuter et al.]
- Phylogeographical and population genetic studies [B. Gemeinholzer]
- Pollination ecology, seed dispersal, and seedling establishment [A.-D. Stevens]
- Succession and floristic composition of (secondary) vegetation [A.-D. Stevens]
- Women in paleobotany (in cooperation with Dr. Barbara Mohr, Museum für Naturkunde Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) [R. Jahn]
- Studies on the woody flora of El Salvador [W. Berendsohn]