Assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin

+49 30 838 50483
+49 30 838-4 50483
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
Former Director of the Department Herbarium and Public Relations.
- Taxonomy of the fern genus Adiantum
- Pteridophyte nomenclature
- Scanning electron microscopy
Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees
Verein der Freunde des Botanischen Gartens und Botanischen Museums Berlin-Dahlem, President
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
American Fern Scociety
British Pteridological Society
Botanischer Verein von Berlin und Brandenburg
Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft
International Association for Plant Taxonomy
Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area
Schweizerische Vereinigung der Farnfreunde
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
Valdespino, Iván A. & Zimmer, B. (2016): Typification of selected Neotropical Selaginella (Lycopodiophyta: Selaginellaceae) taxon names and some nomenclatural innovations. Taxon 65(6): 1391-1408. 2016. online fast track, 20 Sep 2016 (https://doi.org/10.12705/656.10); in print and online issues, 22 Dec 2016
Arana, Marcelo D., Mynssen, Claudine M., Zimmer, B & Ponce, Monica, M. (2016): Typification of names of South American taxa related to Woodsia montevidensis (Woodsiaceae). PhytoKeys 63: 13-18.
- Costa-Assis, F. & Zimmer, B. 2014: Notes concerning the nomenclature of Polypodium ptiloton and its correct spelling in Pecluma: Taxon 63(3): 641-642.
- Zimmer, B. (2007): Adiantum krameri (Pteridaceae), a new species from French Guiana. – Willdenowia 37: 557-562.
- Zimmer, B. (2005): Report of the Committee for Pteridophyta: 15. – Taxon 54(3): 831-832.
- Zimmer, B. (1999): Index to authors. – Taxon 48: 899-904.
- Zimmer, B. & Schmid, R. (1999): Index to subjects. – Taxon 48: 922-947.
- Schmid, R. & Zimmer, B. (1999): Index to "Reviews and notices of publications". – Taxon 48: 905-921.
- Schmid, R. & Zimmer, B. (1998): Index to "Reviews and notices of publications". – Taxon 47: 1064-1086.
- Zimmer, B. & Schmid, R. (1998): Index to subjects. – Taxon 47: 1031-1063.
- Zimmer, B. (1998): Index to authors. – Taxon 47: 1021-1030.
- Borgen, L., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Nicolson, D. H. & Zimmer, B. (1998): (88-95) Proposals to implement mandatory registration of new names. – Taxon 47: 899-904.
- Zimmer, B. & Hunger, S. (1997): General index to Taxon. – Taxon 46: 825-870.
- Borgen, L., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D., Nicolson, D. H. & Zimmer, B., IAPT Officers (1997): Announcing a test and trial phase for the registration of new plant names (1998-1999). – Taxon 46: 811.
- Lidén, M., Oxelman, B., Backlund, A., Andersson, L., Bremer, B., Eriksson, R. Moberg, R., Nordal, I., Persson, K., Thulin, M. & Zimmer, B. (1997): Charlie is our darling. – Taxon 46: 735-738.
- Zimmer, B. & Greuter, W. (1997): IAPT on the World Wide Web. – Taxon 46: 693.
- Zimmer, B. & Prado, J. (1997): (1281) Proposal to reject the name Adiantum dissimile (Polypodiaceae, Adiantoideae). – Taxon 46: 123.
- Greuter, W. & Zimmer, B. (1997): Valerianella orientalis (Valerianaceae) in Griechenland. – Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B Suppl.: 291-300. 1997.
- Zimmer, B. & Hradecny, K. (1996): Reproductive features used to test monophyly of pre-defined groups in Selaginella. – P. 309 in: Anonymous, ICSEB V – Fifth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. Origins and Evolution. Abstracts. Budapest, August 17-24, 1996. – Budapest.
- Greuter, W., Zimmer, B. & Nicolson, D. H. (1995): Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend the International code of botanical nomenclature. – Taxon 44: 249-250.
- Moran, R. C., Zimmer, B. & Jermy, A. C. (1995): Adiantum [generic description, key]. – Pp. 106-108 in: Davidse, G., Sousa, S. M. & Knapp, S. (ed.), Flora mesoamericana, 1. Psilotaceae a Salviniaceae. – Mexico.
- Zimmer, B. (1995): 2. Grupo de Adiantum petiolatum. – Pp. 110-113 in: Davidse, G., Sousa, S. M. & Knapp, S. (ed.), Flora mesoamericana, 1. Psilotaceae a Salviniaceae. – Mexico.
- Zimmer, B. & Greuter, W. (1994): (1093) Proposal to reject the name Asplenium ramosum L. (Pteridophyta). – Taxon 43: 303-304.
- Zimmer, B. (1991): Remarks on the Greek cheilanthoid ferns. – Bot. Chron. 10: 221-237.
- Zimmer, B. (1989): Frond trichomes and scales as a taxonomic tool in Adiantum. – Pp. 285-292 in: Shing, K. H. & Kramer, K. U. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Systematic Pteridology. – Bejing.
- Zimmer, B. (1989): Adiantum isthmicum, a new fern species from Panama. – Willdenowia 19: 215-218.
- Zimmer, B. (1989): PELDRI II: A quick and easy alternative to critical point drying for scanning electron microscopy. – Amer. Fern J. 79: 146-150.
- Zimmer, B. (1988): Frond trichomes and scales as a taxonomic tool in Adiantum. – P. 52 in: Anonymous, Abstracts of papers presented at the International Symposium on Systematic Pteridology, Bejing, China September 5-10, 1988. – Bejing.
- Greuter, W. & Zimmer, B. (ed.) (1988): Proceedings of the XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, July 24 to August 1, 1987. – Königstein (Taunus).
- Greuter, W. & Zimmer, B. (1988): Part I. A report of the Congress. – Pp. 1-96 in: Greuter W. & Zimmer, B. (ed.), Proceedings of the XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, July 24 to August 1, 1987. – Königstein (Taunus).
- Greuter, W., Zimmer, B. & Behnke, D. (ed.) (1987): Abstracts of the General Lectures, Symposium Papers and Posters presented at the XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, July 24 to August 1, 1987. – Berlin.
- Wildpret de la Torre, W., Greuter, W. & Zimmer, B. (1987): XIV International Botanical Congress. Excursion no. 35. The phanerogamic and cryptogamic flora and vegetation of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Excursion guide. – Berlin.
- Greuter, W., Pleger, R., Raus, T., Zimmer, B. & Greuter, J. J. (1983): Asplenium bourgaei, a new addition to the flora of Europe. – Fern Gaz. 12: 271-274.
- Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1981): Effects of cytoskeleton modifiers on differentiating protoplasts in vitro. Influences of cytochalasins. – Protoplasma 105: 368.
- Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1981): Cytoskeletal elements and their involvement in Polyphysa (Acetabularia) protoplast differentiation. Cytoskeletal modifiers and concanavalin A mediated effects. – Exp. Cell Res. 131: 105-113.
- Werz, G. & Zimmer, B. (1981): Differently sized filaments as constituents of nuclear pore complexes. – Protoplasma 105: 367.
- Zimmer, B. (1980): Protoplastenmorphogenese 'in vitro'. Bedeutung der Cytoplasmamembran und cytoskeletaler Komponenten bei Polyphysa (Acetabularia) cliftonii. [85 pp.]. Berlin.
- Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1980): Concanavalin A affects polysaccharide wall formation and mitotic activity in Polyphysa (Acetabularia) cliftonii protoplasts. – Exp. Cell Res. 126: 299-310.
- Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1980): Effects of cytoskeleton modifiers on differentiating protoplasma in vitro. – Eur. J. Cell Biol. 22: 459.
- Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1979): Repression of cell wall formation and stimulation of the mitotic activity in protoplasts of Acetabularia by concanavalin A. – Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 360: 410.
- Paradies, H. H., Zimmer, B. & Werz, G. (1977): Small angle X-ray scattering of D-ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase from Dasycladus clavaeformis Roth (Ag.) in solution. – Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 74: 397-404.
- Zimmer, B., Paradies, H. H. & Werz, G. (1977): Electron microscopic studies on microcrystals of D-ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase from Dasycladus clavaeformis Roth (Ag.). – Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 74: 1496-1500.
- Zimmer, B., Paradies, H. H. & Werz, G. (1977): On the quaternary structure of D-ribulose-1,5.-biphosphate carboxylase from Dasycladus clavaeformis Roth (Ag.) in solution and in the crystalline state. – Pp. 83-94 in: Woodcock, C. (ed.), Progress in Acetabularia Research. – New York, San Francisco & London.