- Seit 03/2020 Dissertation/Wiss. Mitarbeit an der Forschungsgruppe Diatomeen Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2016 – 2019 Biologiestudium an der Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, Abschlussarbeit (angefertigt am Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, AWI): „Macroalgal communities in Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen - Analysis of video transects“
- 2015 Masterabschluss Umweltingenieurwesen an der Universität Kassel
- Biogeographie der Diatomeen
- Environmental DNA Barcoding von Diatomeen
- Diatomeen als Bioindikatoren
- 2019 "Endemism vs. Cosmopolitanism: assessing polar benthic diatom diversity and biogeography patterns as baseline for environmental change using an integrative approach" im Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1158 „Antarktisforschung“ der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG gemeinsam mit der Universität Rostock (Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten)
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
Handy J., Juchem D., Wang Q., Schimani K., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Karsten U. & Herburger K. 2024: Antarctic benthic diatoms after 10 months of dark exposure: consequences for photosynthesis and cellular integrity. - Frontiers in Plant Science 15: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1326375
Ilicic D., Woodhouse J., Karsten U., Schimani K., Zimmermann J., Grossart, H.P 2024: Chytrid fungi infecting Arctic microphytobenthic communities under varying salinity conditions. - Scientific Reports 14: 25821. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-77202-2
Mohamad H., Schimani K., Al-Shaheen M., Abarca N., Jahn R., Al-Handal A., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2024: Comparison of the biodiversity of epiphytic diatoms in the Euphrates-Tigris rivers using morphological and metabarcoding analyses. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 8: e135082. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.8.135082
Abarca N., Stancheva R., Skibbe O., Schimani K., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2023: Gomphadelpha (Bacillariophyceae) – a new genus name for taxa formerly subsumed in the Gomphoneis herculeana-group. - Nova Hedwigia 000(0-0): [1-42] https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2023/0859
Clark M.S., Hoffmann J.I., Peck L.S., Bargelloni L., Gande D. Havermans C., Meyer B., Patarnello T., Phillips T., Stoof-Leichsenring K.R., Vendrami D.L.J., Beck A., Collins G., Friedrich M.W., Halanych K.M., Masello J.F., Nagel R., Norén K., Printzen C., Ruiz M.B., Wohlrab S., Becker B., Dumarck K., Ghaderiardakani F., Glaser K., Heesch S, Held C., John U., Karsten U., Kempf S., Lucassen M. Paijmans A., Schimani K., Wallberg A., Wunder L.C. & Mock T. 2023: Multi-omics for studying and understanding polar life. - Nature Communications 14: 7451 pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43209-y
Juchem D.P., Schimani K., Holzinger A., Permann C., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Graeve M. & Karsten U. 2023: Lipid degradation and photosynthetic traits after prolonged darkness in four Antarctic benthic diatoms, including the newly described species Planothidium wetzelii sp. nov. – Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1241826. http://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1241826
Schimani K., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Mohamad H., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Campana G.L. & Zimmermann J. 2023: Exploring benthic diatom diversity in the West Antarctic Peninsula: insights from a morphological and molecular approach. - Metabarcoding and Metgenomics 7: e110194 pp.339-384. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.7.110194
Schimani K., Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Skibbe O., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Leya T. & Mora D. 2023: Molecular phylogenetics coupled with morphological analyses of Arctic and Antarctic strains place Chamaepinnularia (Bacillariophyta) within the Sellaphoraceae. - Fottea 24(1): 1-22. https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2023.002
Prelle L.R., Schmidt I., Schimani K.,Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Juchem D. & Karsten U. 2022: Photosynthetic, Respirational, and Growth Responses of Six Benthic Diatoms from the Antarctic Peninsula as Functions of Salinity and Temperature Variations. - Genes 13(7):1264. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13071264
Schimani K., Zacher K., Jerosch K., Pehlke H., Wiencke C. & Bartsch I. 2022: Video survey of deep benthic macroalgae and macroalgal detritus along a glacial Arctic fjord: Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen). - Polar Biology 45: 1291-1305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-022-03072-
Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Bansemer J., Bettig J., Droege G., Kusber W.-H., Luther K., Mohamad H., Mora D., Proft S., Schimani K., Skibbe O., Van A.T. & Jahn R. 2022: German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) — Kieselalgen DNA-Barcoding und eDNA Metabarcoding im Kontext von Biodiversitätsforschung, Taxonomie und EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (2000/60/EC). - Pp. 307-311. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2021 (Leipzig). - Essen.