Forschungsbereich Pflanzen
Mitarbeiterin, Kaukasus-Projekt
+49 30 838 57720
+49 30 841
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8
- 2002-2006: Bachelor's Degree in Biology - Plant Science, Department of Biology, University of Tehran, Iran.
- Thesis: Study on the physiological effects of drought stress on three Plantago (Plantaginaceae) species.
- 2006-2009: Master's Degree in Plant Ecology and Systematics, Department of Biology, University of Tehran, Iran.
- Thesis: Taxonomy, anatomy, and phylogenetic studies of the genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Iran.
- 2011-2017: Ph.D. in Plant Systematics, Department of Plant Biology, University of Tehran, Iran.
- Guest student at Georg-August University Göttingen & BGBM, Germany (Sep. 2013 - July 2014).
- Thesis: Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) using molecular markers, and taxonomic and pollen morphological revision of the genus in SW Asia.
- 2012-2021: Research and Teaching Associate & Herbarium Curator, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, Iran.
- 2018-2021: Associate Researcher & Instructor, Department of Plant Biology, University of Tehran, Iran.
- 2022: Guest Researcher, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE, CSIC), Spain.
- Since August 2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, BGBM, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Plant Taxonomy & Systematics
- Molecular Systematics & Phylogeny
- Plant Evolution
- Plant Ecology & Vegetation
- Global Biodiversity of Angiosperms & Floristic Studies
- Irano-Turanian Biodiversity
- Ethnobotanical Studies
- Development of Biodiversity Megadatabases
Beteiligungen an Kooperationsprojekten
- Caucasus Plant Biodiversity Initiative, BGBM
- Taxonomic Backbone of Plumbaginaceae, BGBM
- Flora & Vegetation of Gypsum Habitats, IPE
- Phytosociology & Vegetation Studies Over Topographic & Salinity Transects, Golestan National Park, Iran
- Flora of Golestan National Park, University of Tehran
- Flora & Vegetation Study of Pardisan Natural Reservation Park, University of Tehran
- Flora of Tehran, University of Tehran
- Ethnobotanical Studies of Ilam Province, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science
- The Importance of Limonium Sect. Iranolimon in Vegetation of Saline & Gypsum Soils, Iran & Central Asia, University of Tehran
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
IAPT (International Association for Plant Taxonomy)
Iran's National Elites Foundation
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
- Malekmohammadi M., Koutroumpa K., Crespo M.B., Domina G., Korotkova N., Akhani H., von Mering S., Borsch T., Berendsohn W.G. (2024) A taxonomic backbone for the Plumbaginaceae (Caryophyllales). PhytoKeys 243: 67-103.
- Akhani H., Abdollahi H., Ürker O., Malekmohammadi M. (2024) Molecular phylogenetic studies on Asparagus (Asparagaceae) revealed the position of the highly endangered Irano-Turkish halophytic species A. lycaonicus P.H.Davis related to A. officinalis L. Phytotaxa 646(2): 125-142.https://10.11646/phytotaxa.646.2.3
- Badihagh M.T., Uhl D., Malekmohammadi M., Wang Y.D. (2024) Estimating paleoatmospheric CO2 levels based on fossil Ginkgoites cuticles from the Middle Jurassic of Northeast Iran, Palaeoworld 33(1): 119-128.https://10.1016/j.palwor.2023.01.011
- Akhani H., Malekmohammadi M., Pourhashemi H. & Samadi N. (2022) A half-century waiting: The Dream of Pardisan to the Reality of Tehran Botanical Garden. Iranian J. Biology 5(10), 1-23. In Persian with English abstract.
- Doostmohammadi M., Malekmohammadi M., Djamali M. & Akhani H. (2020) Is Pteropyrum a causeway to C4 evolution in Polygonaceae? An integrative approach to the taxonomy and anatomy of Pteropyrum (C3), an immediate relative to Calligonum (C4) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(2): 369-400.
- Kamali M., Mosaddegh M., Delnavazi M., Shahrestani R., Malekmohammadi M., Hamzeloo-Moghadam M. (2020) Evaluation of the cytotoxicity activity of Gypsophila ruscifolia by bioassay-guided fractionation, Research Journal of Pharmacognosy 7 (4): 75-82.
- Malekmohammadi M., Akhani H. & Borsch T. (2017) Phylogenetic relationships of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) inferred from multiple chloroplast and nuclear loci, Taxon66(5): 1128-1146.
- Malekmohammadi M., Lack H. W., Lomonosova M. & Akhani H. (2017) the discovery, naming and typification of Limonium gmelini (Plumbaginaceae), Willdenowia 47(2): 99-106.
- Akhani H., KhoshraveshR. & Malekmohammadi M. (2016) Taxonomic novelties from Irano-Turanian region and NE Iran: Oreosalsola, a new segregate from Salsolas.l., two new species in Anabasis and Salvia, and two new combinations in Caroxylon and Seseli, Phytotaxa 249 (1): 159-180.
- Celep F., Karabacak O., Malekmohammadi M., Fidan M. & Doğan M. (2016) First record of Psylliostachysspicata (Plumbaginaceae) and confirmation of Salviapratensis (Lamiaceae) from Turkey, and taxonomic status of Salviaertekinii, Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 226-230. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1503-48. doi:10.3906/bot-1503-48
- Mosaddegh M., Esmaeili S., Hassanpour A., Malekmohammadi M. & Naghibi F. (2016) Ethnobotanical study in the highland of Alvand and Tuyserkan, Iran. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy 3(1): 7-17. Available at:
- Hamzeloo-Moghadam M., Khalaj A., Malekmohammadi M., Mosaddegh M. (2015) Achillea vermicularis a medicinal plant from Iranian Traditional Medicine induces apoptosis in MCF-7 cells, Research Journal of Pharmacognosy (RJP) 2(1): 1-5. Available at:
- Hamzeloo-Moghadam M., Khalaj A., Malekmohammadi M. (2015) Cytotoxic Activity and Apoptosis Induction of Hypericumscabrum L., Iran Red Crescent Med J. 17(10): e19453. DOI: 10.5812/ircmj.19453
- Naghibi F., Khalaj A., Mosaddegh M., Malekmohammadi M., Hamzeloo-Moghadam M. (2014) Cytotoxic activity evaluation of some medicinal plants, selected from Iranian traditional medicine Pharmacopoeia to treat cancer and related disorders, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 155: 230-239.
- Naghibi F., Esmaeili S., Malekmohammadi M., Hassanpour A., Mosaddegh M. (2014) Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used traditionally in two villages of Hamedan, Iran. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy (RJP) 1(3): 7-14. Available at:
- Akhani H., Malekmohammadi M., Mahdavi P., Gharibiyan A. & Chase M. (2013) Phylogenetics of the Irano-Turanian taxa of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) based on ITS nrDNA sequences and leaf anatomy provides evidence for species delimitation and relationships of lineages, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 519-550.
Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)
- Akhani H. & Malekmohammadi M., genera Artemisia, Cotoneaster, Isatis, Orobance and Potentilla in Akhani H. (2023) The Illustrated Flora of Golestan National Park, Iran, vol. 2. University of Tehran Press. 712 pp.
- Akhani H. & Malekmohammadi M. (In Press) Flora of Tehran (Bilingual book)
Other publications
Science Communication
- HTML Webpage “Plants of Laleh Park, Tehran” (2022) http://www.parks.tehran.ir
- Booklet: Akhani H., Malekmohammadi M., Bordbar F. (2021) Plants of Laleh Park, Tehran. Published by Tehran Gardens & Green Spaces Organization. 378 pages, Persian.
- Booklet: Akhani H., Samadi N., Malekmohammadi M. (2021) Flora & Vegetation of Pardisan Natural Reservation Park, Tehran. Published by Tehran Gardens & Green Spaces Organization. 336 pages, Persian.
Congress presentations and abstracts
- Malekmohammadi M., Akhani H. & Borsch T. Molecular phylogeny of chloroplast and nuclear data reveal presence of three gypsophyte lineages of Limonium in the Irano-Turanian region, 1st Gypsum Ecosystem Research Conference (GERC-2018), Turkey, Ankara, June 3–9 2018 (Oral presentation).
- Malekmohammadi M., Akhani H., Bergmeier E. & Borsch T. Phylogenetic study of the genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) using four nuclear and chloroplast sequence data, Caryophyllales Conference, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Dahlem-Berlin (BGBM), Germany, 13-16 September 2015 (Oral presentation).
- von Mering S., Akhani H., Arias S.,Berendsohn W.G., Borsch T., Castañeda-Noa I., de Vos J., Dillenberger M.,Eggli U., Fleischmann A., Flores-Olvera M.H., Hernández-Ledesma P., Kadereit G., Klak C., Korotkova N., Malekmohammadi M., Moore A., Nyffeler R., Ocampo G., Ortiz Díaz J.J., Oxelman B., Rabeler R., Schlumpberger T., Schuster T., Timaná M., Uotila P., Zuloaga F., The Global Caryophyllales Initiative: Towards an updated taxonomic backbone and a dynamic monograph of a major plant group. Conference Abstract, Biodiversity Conference, Leiden, Netherlands, October 22–25 2019 (abstract).
- Malekmohammadi M., von Mering S., Berendsohn W.G., Müller A. & Borsch T., An annotated checklist of Plumbaginaceae (Caryophyllales), Caryophyllales Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, September 17–23 2018 (Poster).
- Malekmohammadi M. & Akhani H. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the halophytic genus Limonium Mill. (Plumbaginaceae) in Iran. International Workshop on Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation and Environment, Denizli, Turkey, 28th September – 1st October 2009 (Poster).
- Malekmohammadi M. & Niknam V. Study on the effects of drought stress on Plantago species. The 3rd Congress of Medicinal Plants, Shahed University, Tehran, 24 & 25 October 2007 (Poster).
Teaching & Herbarium Curation
Course Instructor
- Medicinal Plants
- Plant Systematics & Morphology
- General Biology
Herbarium Curator
- TMRC, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, Iran
- Hb. Akh., University of Tehran