- Seit April 2019 Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Diatomeen Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Freie Universität Berlin
- Seit 2015 Researcher/PostDoc, u.a. PI im BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)-Projekt (01LI1501E) German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) Teilprojekt "Innovatives, NGS-basiertes Tool zur Bewertung von EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie-relevanten Kieselalgen", MC-Vertreter für Deutschland CoreGroup Member und Antragsteller für COST-Aktion (CA15219) DNAqua-NET "Entwicklung neuer genetischer Werkzeuge zur Biobewertung aquatischer Ökosysteme in Europa". Koordinator für Phytobenthos im Joint Danube Survey 4 (JDS4) der Internationalen Kommission zum Schutz der Donau (IKSD), Forschungsgruppe Diatomeen Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2011-2014 Dissertation am Institut für systematische Botanik, Justus‐Liebig-Universität Gießen in Kooperation mit dem Botanischen Garten und Botanischem Museum Berlin, ZE Freie Universität, Berlin‐Dahlem, Forschungsgruppe Diatomeen, dem IGB und der Universität zu Köln, gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Projekt GE 12 42/11‐1, Betreuerin: PD Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer. Thesis: „Design and valuation of DNA-Barcoding high throughput methods for analyzing diatom diversity: a test case along a south-north gradient in Central Europe (Rivers Lusatian Neisse/Oder).“
- 2010-2011 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: stellvertretende Leitung des Molekularlabors am BGBM, DCPS-Projekt „DNA extraction from single cell in unicellular algae“
- 2010 Diplom an der Freien Universität Berlin, Titel der Arbeit „Evaluierung von cox1 und 18S als DNA-Barcoding Marker für Bacillariophyta (Kieselalgen)“
- Environmental DNA Barcoding der Diatomeen
- Phylogenie und Taxonomie der Diatomeen
- Artabgrenzung und Artkonzept der Diatomeen
- Biogeographie der Diatomeen
- 2019 "Endemism vs. Cosmopolitanism: assessing polar benthic diatom diversity and biogeography patterns as baseline for environmental change using an integrative approach" im Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1158 „Antarktisforschung“ der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG gemeinsam mit der Universität Rostock (Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten)
- 2019 DNA-Metabarcoding für die Bewertung von Gewässern in der behördlichen Praxis "GeDNA" Ressortforschungsplan (REFOPLAN) des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) gemeinsam mit Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE), AG Aquatische Ökosystemforschung (Prof. Dr. Florian Leese und Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering)
- 2019 Joint Danube Survey 4 (JDS4) of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
- 2018 Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SWE EPA) “Barcoding of Freshwater Taxa for Improved Assessment of Biodiversity” (FRESHBAR) gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Maria Kahlert (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden)
- 2018 R-Syst::diatom, an open-access barcode library for diatoms: fine-tuned taxonomy and curation at genus and species level gefördert durch Biological Resource Centres for the Environment (BRC4Env) und die französische Infrastruktur der Agricultural Resources for Research" (AgroBRC-RARe) Ko-Kurator der Datenbank und externer Experte für die Thonon Culture Collection des UMR Carrtel
- 2018 PRISMA Swedish Research Council, FORMAS
“Barcoding and biodiversity of marine diatoms of Sweden” gemeinsam mit Dr. Regine Jahn und University of Gothenburg (Prof. Adil Yousif Al-Handal, Ph.D und Prof. Angela Wulff) - 2016 Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Drittmittel für das BMBF Projekt (01LI1501E) German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) im Rahmen des Unterprojekts „Erfassung von Diatomeen sowie Massensequenzierung von Umweltproben als zukünftige Technik für die Identifikation von Diatomeen im Kontext der Gewässergütebestimmung“ - 2016 EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Mitantragsteller für die EU COST Action CA15219 on “Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe” – or DNAqua-Net - Design and evaluation of DNA-Barcoding high throughput methods for analyzing diatom diversity: a test case along a south-north gradient in Central Europe (Rivers Lusatian Neisse/Oder) (DFG, with Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, University Cologne and IGB Berlin)
- Providing access to the phytoplankton biodiversity of the Northern Adriatic Sea: taxonomy, systematics, genetics, ecology and open access data management (DAAD, with Institute Ruder Boskovic, Rovijn, Croatia)
Ehrungen und Preise
Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)
Jahn R., Mora D., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Skibbe O. 2025: Integrative taxonomic study of Cocconeis witkowskii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from tidal flats of the North Sea (Wadden Sea) based on unialgal strains. – Nova Hedwigia: [1-25] https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2025/0981
Mohamad H., Jahn R., Al-Handal A., Al-Shaheen M., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J., Abarca N. 2025: Prestauroneis furatensis sp. nov., a new diatom species from the River Euphrates, Iraq. - Fottea 25(1): 61-67 https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2024.008
Vasselon V., Rivera S.F., Ács É., Almeida S.B., Andree K.B., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L., Bailet B., Baričević A., Beentjes K.K., Bettig J., Bouchez A., Capelli C., Chardon C., Duleba M., Elersek T., Genthon C., Jablonska M., Jacas L., Kahlert M., Kelly M.G., Macher J.-N., Mauri F., Moletta-Denat M., Mortágua A., Pawlowski J., Pérez-Burillo J., Pfannkuchen M., Pilgrim E., Pissaridou P., Rimet F., Stanic K., Tapolczai K., Theroux S., Trobajo R., Van der Hoorn B., Vasquez M.I., Vidal M., Wanless D., Warren J., Zimmermann J., Paix B. 2025: Proficiency testing and cross-laboratory method comparison to support standardisation of diatom DNA metabarcoding for freshwater biomonitoring. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 9: e133264. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.9.133264
Handy J., Juchem D., Wang Q., Schimani K., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Karsten U. & Herburger K. 2024: Antarctic benthic diatoms after 10 months of dark exposure: consequences for photosynthesis and cellular integrity. - Frontiers in Plant Science 15: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1326375
Ilicic D., Woodhouse J., Karsten U., Schimani K., Zimmermann J., Grossart, H.P 2024: Chytrid fungi infecting Arctic microphytobenthic communities under varying salinity conditions. - Scientific Reports 14: 25821. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-77202-2
Macher T.-H., Beermann A.J., Arle J., Foerster J., Greyer M., Mora D., Koschorreck J., Rolauffs P., Rother A., Schüler S., Zimmermann J., Hering D. & Leese F. 2024: Fit for purpose? Evaluating benthic invertebrate DNA metabarcoding for ecological status class assessment in streams under the Water Framework Directive. - Water Research 122987. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024.122987
Macher T.-H., Beermann A.J., Hering D., Leese F. & Zimmermann J. 2024: Abschlussbericht. eDNA-basierte Verfahren in der behördlichen Praxis GeDNA-Projekt. Texte 147/2024: 1-75. Roßlau-Dessau: Umweltbundesamt. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/11850/publikationen/147_2024_texte_gedna_0.pdf
Mohamad H., Schimani K., Al-Shaheen M., Abarca N., Jahn R., Al-Handal A. Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2024: Comparison of the biodiversity of epiphytic diatoms in the Euphrates-Tigris rivers using morphological and metabarcoding analyses. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 8: e135082. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.8.135082
Mora D., Stancheva R., Abarca N., Bouchez A., Cantoral-Uriza E., Carmona-Jiménez J., Chonova T., Kusber W.-H., Rimet F., Skibbe O., Wetzel C.E., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2024: Adding more taxa to the Cocconeis placentula group (Bacillariophyta): two new species from streams in biodiversity hotspots. - Nova Hedwigia 118(3-4): 277-319. https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2024/0918
Tapolczai K., Chonova T., Fidlerová D., Makovinská J., Mora D., Weigand A.M. & Zimmermann J. 2024: Molecular metrics to monitor ecological status of large rivers: Implementation of diatom DNA metabarcoding in the Joint Danube Survey 4 - Ecological Indicators 160(24): 111883. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.111883
Abarca N., Stancheva R., Skibbe O., Schimani K., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2023: Gomphadelpha (Bacillariophyceae) – a new genus name for taxa formerly subsumed in the Gomphoneis herculeana-group. - Nova Hedwigia 000(0-0): [1-42] https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2023/0859
Graiff A., Braun M., Driemel A., Ebbing J., Grossart H.-P., Harder T., Hoffman J.I., Koch B., Leese F., Piontek J., Scheinert M., Quillfeldt P., Zimmermann J., Karsten U. 2023: Big data in Antarctic sciences – current status, gaps, and future perspectives. - Polarforschung 91: 45–57. https://doi.org/10.5194/polf-91-45-2023
Juchem D.P., Schimani K., Holzinger A., Permann C., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Graeve M. & Karsten U. 2023: Lipid degradation and photosynthetic traits after prolonged darkness in four Antarctic benthic diatoms, including the newly described species Planothidium wetzelii sp. nov. – Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1241826. http://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1241826
Leese F., Woppowa L., Bálint M., Höss S., Krehenwinkel H., Lötters S., Meissner K., Nowak C., Rausch P., Rduch V., Rulik B., Weigand A. M., Zimmermann J., Koschorreck J. & Züghart W. 2023: DNA-basierte Biodiversitätsanalysen im Natur- und Umweltschutz: Welche Optionen haben wir für eine Standardisierung? Eine Handlungsempfehlung aus Forschung und Praxis. BfN-Schriften 666: [1]-53. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn. [ISBN 978-3-89624-427-7, DOI 10.19217/skr666]
Schimani K., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Mohamad H., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Campana G.L. & Zimmermann J. 2023: Exploring benthic diatom diversity in the West Antarctic Peninsula: insights from a morphological and molecular approach. - Metabarcoding and Metgenomics 7: e110194 pp.339-384. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.7.110194
Schimani K., Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Skibbe O., Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Leya T. & Mora D. 2023: Molecular phylogenetics coupled with morphological analyses of Arctic and Antarctic strains place Chamaepinnularia (Bacillariophyta) within the Sellaphoraceae. - Fottea 24(1): 1-22. https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2023.002
Baricevic A., Chardon C., Kahlert M., Karjalainen S.M., Maric Pfannkuchen D., Pfannkuchen M., Rimet F. Smodlaka Tankovic M., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Zimmermann J. & Bouchez A. 2022: Recommendations for the preservation of environmental samples in diatom metabarcoding studies. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: e85844. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.6.85844
Duwe V.K., Vu L.V., von Rintelen T., Raab-Straube E.v., Schmidt S., Nguyen S.V., Vu T.D., Do T.V., Luu T.H., Truong V.B., Di Vincenzo V., Schmidt O., Glöckler F., Jahn R., Lücking R., von Oheimb K.C.M., von Oheimb P.V., Heinze S., Abarca N., Bollendorff S., Borsch T., Buenaventura E., Dang H.T.T., Dinh T.D., Do H.T., Ehlers S., Freyhof J., Hayden S., Hein P., Hoang T.A., Hoang D.M., Hoang S.N., Kürschner H., Kusber W.-H., Le H.N., Le T.Q., Linde M., Mey W., Nguyen H.D., Nguyen M.T., Nguyen M.T., Nguyen D.V., Nguyen T.V., Nguyen V.D.H., Nguyen D.Q., Ohl M., Parolly G., Pham T.N., Pham P.V., Rabe K., Schurian B., Skibbe O., Sulikowska-Drozd A., To Q.V., Truong T.Q., Zimmermann J., Häuser C.L. 2022: Contributions to the biodiversity of Vietnam – Results of VIETBIO inventory work and field training in Cuc Phuong National Park .Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e77025 https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.10e77025(Link ist extern)
Ilicic D., Woodhouse J., Karsten U., Zimmermann J., Wichard T., Quartino M.L., Campana G.L., Levenets A., Van den Wangaert S. & Grossart H.-P. 2022: Antarctic Glacial Meltwater Impacts the Diversity of Fungal Parasites Associated With Benthic Diatoms in Shallow Coastal Zones. Frontiers in Microbiology 15: 1-12 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.805694
Kahlert M., Karjalainen S.M., Keck F., Kelly M., Ramon M., Rimet F., Schneider S., Tapolczai K. & Zimmermann J. 2022: Co-occurrence, ecological profiles and geographical distribution based on unique molecular identifiers of the common freshwater diatoms Fragilaria and Ulnaria. - Ecological Indicators 141: 109114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109114
Mohamad H., Mora D., Skibbe O., Abarca N., Deutschmeyer V., Enke N., Kusber W.-H., Zimmermann J. & Jahn R. 2022: Morphological variability and genetic marker stability of 16 monoclonal pennate diatom strains under medium-term culture. - Diatom Research (Published online 02 Dec 2022; 22 pp.) https://doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2022.2141346
Müller A., Güntsch A., Jahn R., Kohlbecker A., Kusber W.-H. & Zimmermann J. 2022: PhycoBank: Repository for algal novelties. - Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6: e90885 doi: 10.3897/biss.6.90885
Prelle L.R., Schmidt I., Schimani K.,Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Juchem D. & Karsten U. 2022: Photosynthetic, Respirational, and Growth Responses of Six Benthic Diatoms from the Antarctic Peninsula as Functions of Salinity and Temperature Variations. - Genes 13(7):1264. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13071264
Bilous O.P., Genkal S.I., Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H. & Jahn R. 2021: Centric diatom diversity in the lower part of the Southern Bug river (Ukraine): the transitional zone at Mykolaiv city. - PhytoKeys 178: 31-69. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.178.64426
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2021: Biodiversität und Sauerstoffproduktion in einer Glasschachtel. Kieselalgen – winzig, aber wichtig. - Biologie unserer Zeit 2/2021 (51): 132-141. https://doi.org/10.11576/biuz-4248
Rimet F., Aylagas E., Borja A., Bouchez A., Canino A., Chauvin C., Chonova T., Ciampor Jr F., Costa F.O., Ferrari B.J.D., Gastineau R., Goulon C., Gugger M., Holzmann M., Jahn R., Kahlert M., Kusber W.-H., Laplace-Treyture C., Leese F., Leliaert F., Mann D.G., Marchand F., Méléder V., Pawlowski J., Rasconi S., Rivera S., Rougerie R., Schweizer M., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Vivien R., Weigand A., Witkowski A., Zimmermann J. & Ekrem T. 2021: Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life. - Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: e58056. https://doi.org/10.3897/mbmg.5.58056
Abarca N., Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H., Mora D., Van A. T., Skibbe O. & Jahn R. 2020: Defining the core group of the genus Gomphonema Ehrenberg with molecular and morphological methods. - Botany Letters https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2019.1694980
Bailet B., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L., Baričević A., Chonova T., Franc A., Frigerio J.-M., Kelly M., Mora D., Pfannkuchen M., Proft S., Ramon M., Vasselon V., Zimmermann J., Kahlert M. 2020: Diatom DNA metabarcoding for ecological assessment: Comparison among bioinformatics pipelines used in six European countries reveals the need for standardization. – Science of The Total Environment,Volume 745,140948, ISSN 0048-9697, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140948
Jahn R., Abarca N., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J. & Mora D. 2020: Integrative taxonomic description of two new species of the Cocconeis placentula group (Bacillariophyceae) from Korea based on unialgal strains. – Algae 35(4): 303-324. https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.8
Al-Handal A.Y., Zimmermann J., Jahn R., Anders T. & Wulff A. 2019: Nitzschia biundulata sp. nov. a new sea ice diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Nova Hedwigia 108(3-4): 281-290. https://doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0519(Link ist extern)
Bilous O, Genkal S.I., Jahn R., Zimmermann J. 2019: Rare species of centric diatom algae (Bacillariophyta, Centrophyceae) from Ukraine. – International Journal on Algae 21: 67-74.
Hamilton P.B., Savoie A.M., Sayre C.M., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J. & Bull R.D. 2019: Novel Neidium Pfitzer species from western Canada based upon morphology and plastid DNA sequences. - Phytotaxa 419(1): 39-62. 2019 https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.419.1.3
Jahn R., Kusber W.-H., Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Van A.T., Buczkó K. & Abarca N. 2019. Gomphonella olivacea (Bacillariophyceae) – a new phylogenetic position for a well-known taxon, its typification, new species and combinations. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152(2): 219-247. https://doi.org/10.5091/plecevo.2019.1603
Mora D., Abarca N., Proft S., Grau J.H., Enke N., Carmona J., Skibbe O., Jahn R. & Zimmermann J. 2019 : Morphology and metabarcoding: a test with stream diatoms from Mexico highlights the complementarity of identification methods. – Freshwater Science 38: 448-464. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/704827
Rimet F., Gusev E., Kahlert M., Kelly M., Kulikovskiy, Maltsev Y., Mann D.G., Pfannkuchen M., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Zimmermann J., Bouchez A. 2019: Diat.barcode, an open-access curated barcode library for diatoms. Scientific Reports 9(1): 15116 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-51500-6
Skibbe O., Zimmermann J., Kusber W.-H., Abarca N., Buczkó K. & Jahn R. 2018: Gomphoneis tegelensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae): a morphological and molecular investigation based on selected single cells. - Diatom Research 33(2): 251-262. https://doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2018.1518835
Pawlowski J., Kahlert M., Kelly-Quinn M., Altermatt F., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil L., Beja P., Boggero A., Borja A., Bouchez A., Cordier T., Domaizon I., Feio M.J., Filipe A.F., Fornaroli R., Graf W., Herder J., van der Hoorn B., Jones J.I., Sagova-Mareckova M., Moritz C., Barquín J., Piggott J.J., Pinna M., Rimet F., Rinkevich B., Sousa-Santos C., Specchia V., Trobajo R., Vasselon V., Vitecek S., Zimmermann J. & Leese F. 2018: The future of biotic indices in the ecogenomic era: integrating DNA metabarcoding in biological assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 637-638: 1295-1310.
Rimet F., Abarca N., Bouchez A., Kusber W.-H., Jahn R., Kahlert M., Keck F., Kelly M.G., Mann D.G., Piuz A., Tapolaczai K., Vasselon V. & Zimmermann J. 2018: The potential of High–Throughput Sequencing (HTS) of natural samples as a source of primary taxonomic information for reference libraries of diatom barcodes. - Fottea, Olomouc, 18(1): 37–54, 2018. https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2017.013
Zimmermann J., Glöckner G., Jahn R., Enke N. & Gemeinholzer B. 2015: Metabarcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom diversity in environmental studies. Molecular Ecology Resources 15 (3): 526-542. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1755-0998.12336
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Skibbe O., Kusber W.‐H., Enke N. & Jahn R. 2014: Taxonomic Reference Libraries for Environmental Barcoding: a Best Practice Example from Diatom Research. - PLOS ONE 9(9): e108793.
Kistenich S., Dressler M., Zimmermann J., Hübener T., Bastrop R. & Jahn R. 2014: An investigation into the morphology and genetics of Cyclotella comensis and closely related taxa. - Diatom Research 29 (4): 423-440.
Abarca N., Jahn R., Zimmermann J. & Enke N. 2014: Does the Cosmopolitan Diatom Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing have a Biogeography? - PLOS ONE 9(1): e86885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086885.
Pawlowski J., Audic S., Adl S., Bass D., Belbahri L., Berney C., Bowser S., Cepicka I., Decelle J., Dunthorn M., Fiore-Donno A.M., Gile G.H., Holzmann M., Jahn R., Jirku M., Keeling P.J., Kostka M., Kudryavtsev A., Lara E., Lukeš J., Mann D.G., Mitchell E.A.D., Nitsche F., Romeralo M., Saunders G.W., Simpson A.G.B., Smirnov A.V., Spouge J.L., Stern R.F., Stoeck T., Zimmermann J., Schindel D. & de Vargas C. 2012: CBOL Protist Working Group: Barcoding Eukaryotic Richness beyond the Animal, Plant, and Fungal Kingdoms. PLoS Biol 10(11): e1001419. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001419
Zimmermann J., Jahn R., Gemeinholzer B. 2011: Barcoding diatoms: evaluation of the V4 subregion on the 18S rRNA gene, including new primers and protocols. Org Divers Evol DOI 10.1007/s13127-011-0050-6.
Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)
Zimmermann J., Mora D., Tapolczai K., Proft S., Chonova T., Rimet F., Bouchez A., Fidlerová D., Makovinská J. & Weigand A. 2021: Metabarcoding of phytobenthos samples. Pp. 145-156 in: Liška I., Wagner F., Sengl M., Deutsch K., Slobodník J. & Paunović M. (eds): Joint Danube Survey 4. Scientific Report: A shared analysis of the Danube river. Vienna: ICPDR – International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.
Leese F., Bouchez A., Abarenkov K., Altermatt F., Borja Á., Bruce K., Ekrem T., Čiampor Jr F., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z., Costa F.O., Duarte S., Elbrecht V., Fontaneto D., Franc A., Geiger M.F., Hering D., Kahlert M., Kalamujić Stroil B., Kelly M., Keskin E., Liska I., Mergen P., Meissner K., Pawlowski J., Penev L., Reyjol Y., Rotter A., Steinke D., van der Wal B., Vitecek S., Zimmermann J. & Weigand A.M. (2018): Why We Need Sustainable Networks Bridging Countries, Disciplines, Cultures and Generations for Aquatic Biomonitoring 2.0: A Perspective Derived From the DNAqua-Net COST Action. in: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1, Volume 58, 1st Edition, ed. D. Bohan, A. Dumbrell, G. Woodward & M. Jackson.
Other publications
Mora D., Kleinteich J., Zimmermann J., Fischer H. & Krenek S. 2022: Influence of preservation methods for phytobenthos samples on the detection of microbial communities through eDNA metabarcoding – first results. - Pp. 29-36. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2021 (Leipzig). - Essen.
Zimmermann J., Abarca N., Bansemer J., Bettig J., Droege G., Kusber W.-H., Luther K., Mohamad H., Mora D., Proft S., Schimani K., Skibbe O., Van A.T. & Jahn R. 2022: German Barcode of Life 2 (GBOL2) — Kieselalgen DNA-Barcoding und eDNA Metabarcoding im Kontext von Biodiversitätsforschung, Taxonomie und EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (2000/60/EC). - Pp. 307-311. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (ed.): Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2021 (Leipzig). - Essen.
Zimmermann, J., Glöckner, G., Jahn, R., Enke, N. & Gemeinholzer, B. (2014). Metabarcoding of freshwater diatoms. [invited speaker] Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv) – Autumn Symposium 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Abarca, N., Enke, N., Kusber, W.‐H., Zimmermann, J., Jahn, R. (2014). Reconciling morphological taxonomic concepts with molecular data ‐ a case study on several clone cultures. 23rd International Diatom Symposium, Nanjing, China.
Enke, N., Zimmermann, J., Abarca, N., Kusber, W.‐H., Skibbe, O., Acs, E., Bouchez, A., Dvorak, P., Kelly, M., Mann, D., Poulickova, A., Rimet, F., Sabbe, K., Trobajo, R., Vyverman, W., Jahn, R. (2014). Standardising Information for Environmental DNA barcoding of Diatoms in Taxonomic Reference Libraries ‐ Examples from Berlin Waters. 23rd International Diatom Symposium, Nanjing, China.
Zimmermann, J., Glöckner, G., Jahn, R., Enke, N., Gemeinholzer, B. (2014), NGS barcoding vs. morphological identification to assess diatom composition in environmental studies. 23rd International Diatom Symposium, Nanjing, China.
Jahn, R., Abarca, N., Enke, N., Kusber, W.‐H. & Zimmermann, J. (2014). DNA barcoding and reference libraries – impact on taxonomy. 8th Central European Diatom Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia.
Enke, N., Zimmermann, J., Abarca, N., Kusber, W.H., & Jahn, R. 2014. Calibration of new identification tools for diatoms: A case study from Berlin waters. 15. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Stralsund, Germany.
Enke, N., Acs, E., Bouchez, A., Dvorak, P., Jahn, R., Kelly, M., Kusber, W. H., Mann, D., Poulickova, A., Rimet, F., Sabbe, K., Trobajo, R., Vyverman, W. & Zimmermann, J. (2013). The EU Diatom Barcoding Initiative: standardisation of sampling, taxonomic validation and data storage. 20th International Conference on Environmental Indicators, Trier, Germany.
Zimmermann, J., Glöckner, G., Jahn, R., Pawlowski, J., de Vargas, C. & Gemeinholzer, B. 2013: "Barcoding diatoms with the 18S V4 region: setting an example for protists?" BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics, Vienna, Austria.
Enke, N., Abarca, N., Zimmermann, J., Skibbe, O. & Jahn, R. 2013: "Gomphonema parvulum revisited: A critical assessment of the taxonomic concept". BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics, Vienna, Austria.
Kusber, W.-H., Abarca, N., Zimmermann, J., von Mering, S. & Jahn, R. 2013: "Open access to protist biodiversity information: from file cards to GBIF". BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics, Vienna, Austria.
Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J., Romero, O. R. 2012: "A molecular approach to the taxonomy of Cocconeis placentula sensu lato". 22nd International Diatom Symposium Gent, Belgium.
Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J., Abarca, N., von Mering, S., Kusber, W.-H. 2012: „Diatom research: towards cybertaxonomy.“ 26. Treffen Deutschsprachiger Diatomologen, 6th Central European Diatom Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria.
Kusber, W.-H., Abarca, N., Skibbe, O., Zimmermann, J., Jahn, R. 2012: "Reference library of DNA-barcoced diatoms - A use case for publishing data via the GBIF database AlgaTerra". 22nd International Diatom Symposium Gent, Belgium.
Kusber, W.-H., Abarca, N., Skibbe, O., Zimmermann, J., Jahn, R. 2012: "Reference library of DNA-barcoced diatoms - A use case for publishing data via the GBIF database AlgaTerra". Institute Ruder Boskovic, Center for Marine Research, Rovinj, Croatia.
Romero, O., Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J. 2012: A culture based study of Cocconeis lineate Ehrenberg and Cocconeis euglypta Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta): morphology, typification and barcoding”. 22nd International Diatom Symposium Gent, Belgium.
Zimmermann, J. 2012: “Next-Generation sequencing (NGS) methods in environmental barcoding – a progress report on biomonitoring o benthic river diatoms". Institute Ruder Boskovic, Center for Marine Research, Rovinj, Croatia.
Zimmermann, J., Glöckner, G., Jahn, R., Gemeinholzer, B. 2012: "Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in environmental barcoding - a progress report on biomonitoring of benthic river diatoms". 22nd International Diatom Symposium Gent, Belgium.
Zimmermann, J., Jahn, R., Gemeinholzer, B. 2012: "Diatom DNA barcoding revisited“. 14. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botanischen , Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie Wuppertal. (invited speaker)
Abarca, N. Zimmermann, J. Jahn, R. 2011: “Gomphonema parvulum Kützing: Evaluation of some morphological and molecular characters”. 5th Central European Diatom Meeting, Szczecin, Poland.
Abarca, N., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2010: “Taxonomy of some species of the diatom genus Gomphonema using morphological and morphological data.” 21st International Diatom Symposium, St. Paul, USA.
Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B. & Jahn, R. 2010: “Barcoding diatoms: water monitoring via molecular methods. ” 21st International Diatom Symposium, St. Paul, USA.
Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Jahn, R. 2010: “Diatom barcoding: water monitoring using molecular tools.“ 2nd Conference of the European Consortium for the Barcode of Life, Braga, Portugal.
Pfannkuchen, M., Marić, D., Godrijan, J., Precali, R., Jahn, R., Gemeinholzer, B., Zimmermann, J. & Batel, R. 2010: “Regularly occurring domination of Skeletonema sp. in the winter phytoplankton of the northern Adriatic Sea. How to resolve the species?” 4th Central European Diatom Meeting 2010, Reichenau/Bodensee.
Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Kube, M. & Jahn, R. 2008: “Diatoms as bioindicators: watermonitoring via DNA barcoding.” Systematics 2008, Göttingen.
Pfannkuchen, M., Godrijan, J., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Dröge, G., Kusber, W.-H., Zimmermann, J., Enke, N., Abarca, N. & Jahn, R. 2013: "Access to the planktonic biodiversity of the northern Adriatic".- BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics, Vienna, Austria.
Jahn, R., Zimmermann, J., Abarca, N., von Mering, S., Kusber, W.-H. 2012: "Diatom research: towards cybertaxonomy". 13. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS),Bonn.
Zimmermann, J., Jahn, R., Glöckner, G., Gemeinholzer, B. 2012: "DNA barcoding of diatoms: establishment of routine laboratory“ 13. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS), Bonn.
Zimmermann, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Kube, M., Reinhardt, R. & Jahn, R. 2009: “Watermonitoring via DNA barcoding: diatoms as bioindicators”. Systematics, Leiden, Netherlands.
Gemeinholzer, B., Zimmermann, J. & Jahn, R. 2008: “Establishing DNA-Barcoding Methods in Diatoms for Diversity Assessments.” Botany 2008, Vancouver, Canada.